Ch. 11

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Steph POV

Harry wraps his arms around me and turns me to face him on my side. I place my head to his chest and listen to his heartbeat.

“It’s all yours baby,” he whispered, placing a kiss to the top of my head. I move up so I can look into his eyes and quickly peck his lips.

“Mine’s yours too Haz,” I say and smile. He kisses to tip of my nose then rubs his against mine. I laugh and he holds me closer, almost to the point where I can’t move.



“What do you want our future to be like?”

I look in his eyes and see his curious gaze. I move my hand up and brush his curls back as I contemplate my answer.

“As long as your there, I am happy.”

He smiles and pecks my lips. “I love you baby girl.”

“I love you too Haz.”

I slide down to place my head back on his chest and his chin is placed on top of my head. He moves his hand up and down my back, occasionally stopping and rubbing circles with his thumbs. I take a deep breath, breathing in his sweet, musty scent. It is such a familiar scent that I feel so safe. I can’t help but just be amazed at him. His ink swirled on his skin like it was free. The only part not covered were his legs and his back. I don’t know why his back isn’t covered but I don’t mind. It is just and open canvas for whatever he wishes and I love that about him. I move my right hand up to his muscular shoulder and rub gentle circles with my thumbs.

This moment was beautiful. He is beautiful. I still don’t understand how someone can hold so much beauty but Harry is beautiful. His toned body, super toned body, is beyond perfect. His physique is amazing, tall, handsome, and beautiful. He truly is someone that all the girls dream about, and he is all mine. I don’t have to share him with anyone because he is mine.

I take a deep breath and relax, trying to find sleep. But I can’t. I know Harry is asleep because he is snoring already, but I am so comfortable in his arms. I try to get out of his grip but he pulls me closer and holds me tighter.

“No one is taking you away,” he whispered. I couldn’t tell if he was actually telling me this or it was in a dream. I stay for a little while longer, trying to see if I was able to get out of his arms. He sighs and I try again, this time successful. I get up and walk into the room. I walk out and start to look around the penthouse. It is beautiful and on the 20 floor, so we are really high up. It is made of mostly glass and has 2 floors. I walk upstairs and see another bedroom and bathroom. I continue looking around, stopping on a small closet. I open it and see a small staircase. I let curiosity take the best of me and I walk in. It is really cold so I walk out and grab Harry’s sweatshirt that was on the rail. I walk back in and walk up. I get to the top and see a small room, all glass. I stare in awe at the sight.

It was as if I was in the sky. I could see all of Paris. The Eiffel Tower lit beautifully not even 2 miles from here. The stars shone brightly and the full moon beaming light. I walk to the center of the room and lay down. I stare up and feel as though I am floating in the sky.

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