Ch. 36

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Steph POV

Harry practically sped to the airport for tonight. I just laughed as he got pulled over, but only got a warning. We got to the airport at around 8 and boarded the jet that took us to the island. It was somewhere near Hawaii but a little further. We got in the plane and took off. I unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed onto Harry’s lap, straddling him.

“What are you up to baby?”


He smirked and I bent down and placed a kiss to his lips. He responded by moving his hands to my cheeks and tugging my hair, deepening the kiss. Since we were the only people on this flight, he reclined his chair back and continued. He moaned when I pressed my palms to his chest and fisted his t-shirt. He moved his hands to my sides and lifted my shirt, placing his hands on my bare sides. His hands were warm and warmed my sides.

“I want you so bad,” he whispered against my lips. I pulled on his bottom lip, making him moan more. I opened my eyes and saw his gently closed, eyelashes placed softly on his cheeks. I smile and grab his cheeks in my hands. I lean up and place a soft kiss to his forehead. He loosened his grip on my waist and wrapped his arms around my waist instead. I pulled away and brushed some of his hair back.

“I love you Haz.”

He smiled and his eyes opened, meeting mine. I leaned my forehead on his and looked into his eyes. He quickly pulled away, kissed the tip of nose, and placed his forehead back to mine. I smiled and he sat the chair back up. I sat back in my seat and grabbed his hand.

“I love you more baby,” he said, kissing my temple.

I rested my head on his shoulder and he rubbed circles on my palm. He started to talk about next year and how to handle school.

“It’s only an hour class then I’m home the rest. You can join me in the course if you want, you would have to pay for it.”

He nodded and entwined our fingers. “I just haven’t been to school since I was 16. I don’t know if I am smart enough.”

“You’re smart but this is English Literature. I don’t know if that is what you’re interested in.”

He laughed and kissed my forehead. “I have always been good in English, but I have always wanted to be a boxing trainer.”

I smile and nod. “Was that your dream Harry?”


“To become a boxing trainer. Was that your dream?”

He shook his head and I raised mine to look at him. “You are. You are my dream. Without you, I would be in a living hell.”

“Oh, Harry. You wouldn’t be. You just realized the good in life.”

“Yes, you are the good in life. My life. You made it better than anything in my life combined together. You, my love,” he said, tapping my nose, “are the reason I stopped doing bad things.”

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