Ch. 6

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Steph POV


All I am is one giant bruise. I have been beaten around for almost two months and I am covered in purple and blue splotches. I have almost lost all hope in anyone coming for me, but I know Harry is still looking for me.

I have denied everything Marcus and John have wanted to do to me, and that is why I am covered in bruises. I have been touched but never raped completely, and my mouth has been violated numerous times throughout the day. I have been cut on my arms for not speaking to them, but the gashes weren’t deep.

I am still bound at my hands, my feet are free. I have tape over my mouth, restraining me from screaming, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. I have cried every day being here, tears permanently staining my cheeks. I haven’t had anything but bread and water here, and I have had one shower.

It is currently raining outside and I hear the door open. I turn and see Marcus coming towards me. I close my eyes and drop my head. I felt him place a hand on my cheek and lift my head up.

“Why are you afraid of me?” he asks, pulling the tape off my mouth. I can’t talk and I expect a slap, but it never comes.

“Why?” his voice soft. I look up into his eyes and see flashes of guilt.

“You hurt me,” I barely whisper, afraid of his next move. He placed the other hand on my other cheek and softly placed a kiss to my forehead. I can’t help but feel shocked at his actions.

“I want you to know that I regret everything and I want you to know that this whole situation was my mom’s. I wanted you yes, but you don’t deserve it.”

I am stunned and can’t talk, so he continues.

“I only hurt you, to feel better about myself. I was in prison for almost 4 years and I have escaped. I wanted you to be with me for the rest of my life but I can’t do that. I know you have someone and I wanted to punish you and not share you with anyone.”

I looked up at him and see…tears? Forming in his eyes.

“The way I felt about you was way to strong and I lost control. The first time, this, happened was just revenge on my father and mother. This time was me. Looking at you right now, in the light, I realize how much I hurt you and I am willing to pay the price of everything.”

I watched him move to the door and he opened it. He was gone for a couple seconds and brought back a cell phone. My phone.

“Please have this. We will leave you. Forever.”

He untied my hands and kissed me on the forehead, lingering there. What does he mean by forever? He walks back out of the room and I look down at my phone. The first thing that pops in my head is the only person I ever want when it comes to things like this.


Harry POV

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