Ch. 12

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Steph POV

I turned a little as the sun started to come up. I buried my head in Harry’s chest to shield myself from the sun. I felt him move his arm to block the sun and I tried to relax in his arms again. His massive arm blocks most of the sun and I take a deep breath. He kisses the top of my head and leans his chin on it. I place my hand on his back and gently move my arm around his back. He tightly wraps his left leg over mine, causing me to be immobile. He moves a hand through my hair and places a kiss to my temple.

“Harry?” I say in a small voice.

“Yes baby?”

“What are we doing today?”

“I have no idea.”

I laugh and rest my head back on his chest. “Can we just stay here?”


He pulls me closer to his body and I move up so my face is right by his. I look into his eyes and he looks into mine. He places a small kiss to my lips and I lean my forehead on his.

“I love you so much.”

“I love you way more baby,” he responded, “Way more than anything.”

I feel my heart flutter. I look into his eyes and see love. I smile and my eyes glance at his lips. Not a second later, his hands are on either side of my face, kissing me with passion. He moves so he is hovering over me and places his knees next to my hips. I pull away from the kiss and look up at him.

“I can’t lose you baby,” he said, looking down at me.

“I can’t see you leave. I never thought I could fall for someone the way I fell for you. You are everything to me and I always knew that there was something about you. I thought you were beautiful and you took my breath away. No one ever did that to me before you did.”

I smile and he kisses my forehead. He falls back on his side, facing me. He pulls me to him, placing a hand on my waist.

“I love you more than myself. I would die for you. I can’t handle seeing you hurt. Seeing you in the hospital twice were my worst memories. Now you have bruises everywhere. I didn’t protect you like I should have. I should have known something was going to happen to you. I need you here by my side.”

I move my hand up and brush his curl out of his face. I love what he is telling me. All the things that he loves and would do for me.

“Baby you are my world. And I am missing one thing from it.”

I look into his eyes and he brings his arm up and places a small black box in my hand. I open it and see a beautiful diamond ring. I place my hand to my mouth and silently start to tear up, knowing this was why he brought me to Paris.

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