Ch. 21

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Steph POV

I was so shaken up. I didn’t know a dream could hold that such a force. I never once saw my mom in my dreams. This is the first time and it seemed so real. I literally felt like I could touch her. That was why I felt so scared, was because I tried and she disappeared. I was left alone in an alley, with nothing but a shirt and my panties.

“Baby girl, I am so sorry.”

He looked up at me and I hugged him. He was all the comfort I needed and I knew he wanted me safe.

“She vanished when I touched her hand. She left me again.”

He rubbed a hand on my back and I buried my head in his neck as I let the tears roll down my cheeks.

“Baby, it’s okay. I got you.”

He kissed the side of my head and I held onto him. He just held me and I finally relaxed. He moved me so I was lying on my back. He moved and hovered over me. He smiled down at me and I laughed. He moved so he was practically lying on top of me and wrapped his arms around me. I laughed as he rubbed his nose against mine and his curls tickled my forehead.

“I love you Haz,” I whispered, pecking his lips and pulling his hair back.

“I love you more.”

I smiled and he kissed me again. He started to peck around my face. I grabbed his face in my hands and brought his lips to mine. I moved mine in sync with his and felt my stomach fill with butterflies. But our moment was soon ruined by the doorbell.

“I will be right back,” Harry said kissing my nose. He climbed off me and went to answer the door. I got up and made my way to the closet. I put on a pair of white jeans and a pink long-sleeved shirt. I walked out and saw Harry walking in with his eyebrows crunched together. He was holding a big envelope and walked over to me.

“Do you have something you want to tell me?” He asked.

I was confused and shook my head. I walked over to him and looked at what was in his hands.

An envelope from Princeton University addressed to me.

I grab it from him and open it.

Ms. Flinn,

We apologize greatly for the extreme delay in your letter. We are happy to acknowledge that you are supreme in English Literature and would be honored as to have you as a student at Princeton University. You have such a high excellence in your English that we here at Princeton are ashamed to not have you here and regret not sending you this sooner, but it was due to a loss of your records. We would like to put you on full scholarship for the next year of academic studies in the Department of English. We here at Princeton University hope you will come and become part of our leading scholars and graduate with a master’s degree. Thank you for your applications and we again apologized greatly for the late acceptance letter.

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