Ch. 42

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(Hey guys! Last chapter and I hope you loved the books! I love you all!!)

Harry POV

I squeeze Steph’s hand as she yells in pain.

“Keep going, the baby is almost there!” Dr. Jones helps. I push some of Steph’s hair back, holding her hand, but her grip is so tight. I kiss her temple and she keeps breathing.

“You are doing great baby,” I whisper, kissing her ear.

I hear a baby cry and I look over at the doctor. She takes my baby and wraps it in a cloth.

“Welcome little baby. You’ve got a little girl.”

I smile so big and look at Steph. She is panting and out of breath, looking up at me.

“We have a little girl Steph,” I smile kissing her softly. She places her hand on my cheek and the doctor brings her over. She places the baby in Steph’s arms and Steph kisses her forehead.

“Hi Darcy, she whispers, kissing our little girl again.

I wrap my arm around Steph’s shoulders and place my hand on Darcy’s head. She is so small and so beautiful.

“I am going to take the baby back and clean her,” one of the nurses said. I nodded and Steph carefully handed her to the nurse. The nurse left and Steph moved a little to have me sit next to her.

“December 10. The day my life was made,” I whisper, wrapping Steph in my arms.

“I just created a child.”

I laugh and kiss her cheek. “Yes, you did.”

She laughed and I pecked her lips. We have been through a lot the past 9 months. Steph was constantly eating and really hormonal, which was kind of funny. She would be angry, then sad, than just bursting out laughing at any moment.

“I finally have her out of me.”

I just laugh and kiss her forehead. “We finally have our Darcy Elizabeth.”

She smiles and grabs my hand. The nurse comes back in and I get off the bed.

“Now, does dad get her, or does mom?”

I look at Steph and she’s pointing to me. I smile and walk to the nurse. I carefully pick Darcy out of her arms and place them in my own.

“You had an 8 pound healthy baby. She is all clean and very healthy.”

I nod and just look at her. We created this beautiful human being. I stare at her as she sleeps in my arms. Her little fingers in her chest, tiny feet dangling out of the blanket. Her head is covered in a small little pink cap and her cheeks are nice and rosy. I look up at Steph and see her eyes closed, leaning against the pillows. She has got to be exhausted. It’s almost 2 in the morning and she went into labor at 7.

I sit on the couch and just stare at Darcy. I have my own daughter and I will never let her get hurt the way I hurt myself. She is too precious and too beautiful to even do that to herself.

“I won’t let anything hurt you baby. Nothing will ever hurt you.”

I just relax, holding my baby into the early hours of the morning, kissing her tiny forehead and cheeks. I have since placed a finger by her and she has wrapped her little tiny ones around mine. I smile and carry her around the room.

I place a kiss to Steph’s forehead and sit next to her. She stirs and smiles when she sees me.

“How is she?” she asks.

“Perfect and beautiful just like her mum.”

She laughed and sat up. I placed Darcy in her arms and Steph looked down at her. Steph took her little hat off and Darcy and very brown hair. My hair. Steph smiled and looked up at me.

“Hair like her father, I see.”

I laugh and kiss her temple. “My own little baby.”

I smile and wrap my arm around her shoulders. I lean my head against hers and I just look at our beautiful baby. I have never felt so happy to see a child before. I have my own baby. One to call my own.

Darcy moves and she yawns. She opens her eyes slightly and they are blue. Steph’s blue. Steph smiles and brushes Darcy’s hair back.

“She’s everything I could have asked for.”

Darcy wraps her hand around Steph’s finger and Steph kisses her forehead. I get up and grab Darcy carefully. I place her in the little cradle and help Steph up. She is a little wobbly but I don’t blame her. She just had a baby. I lifted her up and carried her bridal style to the bathroom.

“You probably want to change.”

She nodded and laughed. “This is disgusting,” she said in referace to her gown. I nodded and put her down. I handed her her bag and closed the door behind her.

Steph POV

I changed into my yoga pants and a long-sleeved tee of Harry’s. I put my hair into a bun on the top of my head and walked out, only to see Harry on the edge of the bed with Darcy in his arms. His back  was facing me but I knew he was talking to her by his soft whispers.

“You are so pretty, just like your mum. I love you my little girl. You look so much like your mum I just can’t love you guys enough. I promise I will never hurt you the way my dad hurt me. I will love you every day and never let you grow up too fast.”

I smile and walk over to him. I sit next to him and place my arm around him and lean my head on his shoulder.

“I love you so much Harry.”

“I love you more than anything.”

He turned his head and kissed me. I move my arm back and entwine our fingers. We finally have our baby and we finally have our life complete.

(I hope you all loved the book!! I will be making a new book called The Danger so keep an eye out for it. It will come out in a couple weeks. I love you guys so much! I can’t tell you enough how much your guys’ support means. I hope you tell people about this book and forever love it. I will miss hearing all about your thoughts on this book but if you have anything to tell me, send me a message or e-mail me, which is in my bio. Just remember to always be yourselves and keep your heads up, because you all are beautiful!! <3)

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