Ch. 18

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Steph POV

I close my eyes as Harry continues to kiss my face, not leaving a single place without one. He keeps his arms wrapped around me, me lying on his arms. His strong biceps flexing as he moves in and out of me. We tried to fall asleep but we were too happy so we continued making love. My hands placed themselves on his shoulders, my arms going under his.

“Tell me you love me,” he whispered, placing a small kiss to my lips.

“I love you,” I said with a smile. He kiss me again. “Say it again.”

I smile, “I love you Haz.”

“Just think, this could be every night or any night we want. You are the only one I want to ever do this with for the rest of my life,” he says, pushing into me again slowly. I gasp as he hit my center. I dragged my finger nails down his back and screamed. He repeated his action and I bit his shoulder.

“Let it out baby,” he said, thrusting into me harder. I reach my hand up to his head and pull on his hair. He lifts his head out if my neck and smashes my lips on his. He fights my tongue and eventually he wins.

I pant as he goes in and out of me faster, feeling so much pleasure. He never went this fast before with me and I start to feel weird. I pull back from the kiss and place my hands on his face.

“Harry, please.” He stopped moving completely and looked down at me.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Am I hurting you?” he kissed my lips softly and pulled me up, setting me in his lap. He pulled out of me and I wrapped my legs around him.

“I didn’t feel like it was romantic anymore. It felt kinky.”

He wrapped his arms tightly around me and held me close to him. “I love you and I felt the urge to go fast. You make me want more.” He kissed my neck and I wrapped my arms around his neck, placing a hand on the back of his head. He gently moved to place me down on the bed and placed his hands on either side of the bed beside my face. He looked down at me and stared.

“You are beautiful,” he said. He moved a hand and moved some of my hair back, then resting it on my cheek. I grabbed his wrist and moved it down to hold my breast. He looked down at me with loving eyes and bent to kiss my lips. He let go of my breast and set both of his hands on the sides of my waist. He kisses me softly and I wrap my fingers in his curls.

“Do you want to keep going?” he whispered between kisses to my lips.

“Yes,” I breathed and he let go of my waist, entwining our fingers together. He moved into me and slowly moved into me. His lips never left my mouth the whole time. I kept my eyes closed and squeezed his hands. He did a couple last thrusts and collapsed onto me. He let go of my hands and placed his forearms next to my head, kissing me still.

He moved and gently pulled out of me, never breaking the kiss. He lifted himself up and broke our kiss. He lifted me up and I opened my eyes, realizing that the sun was starting to seep through the windows.

Waiting For Tomorrow (Punk h.s.) [Completed]*Where stories live. Discover now