Ch. 16

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Steph POV

A week has since past and I am finally getting out of the hospital. I have my casts on still and I have to be in a wheelchair. Harry has never left my side and Lily is there too. I move around, trying to get off the bed. I watch as Harry quickly moves to be in front of me. He picks me up and places me in the wheelchair. I look up at him and he smiles.

"I was trying to do it myself," I said. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"I wanted to help you."

I smiled and he wheeled me out of the room. We stopped at Lily's room first and said goodbye to her. We are going to come and visit her the rest of the time here every day. Lily gives me a hug but clings onto Harry. She doesn't let him go and I smile at the sight. He really is so good with kids.

"Hawwy, don't weave. I wove you."

"Aw, baby I love you too. I promise I will be back soon."



He gave her a kiss on the cheeks and she laughed. He placed her back onto her bed and wheeled me out of the room. We approached the elevators and got in. Harry kissed the top of my head and the doors opened. We went to the car and I sat in the back to lay my leg on the seat. We reach the Four Seasons and Harry lifts me onto the wheelchair again. He wheeled me into the hotel and onto the elevator.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm okay."

"We are going to be resting the rest of the day."

I smile and turn my face. He leans down and places a kiss to my forehead. "That is fine by me Haz."

We get off at the penthouse and I see glass everywhere.

"Harry," I turn and look up at his face. He has a face of nervousness and I just glare.

"You broke almost all the glass."

"I know but I was upset and I didn't want to drink so I broke everything in sight."

"Still, please just be careful. You could have hurt yourself. Plus, how are you going to pay for all off this stuff."

"Don't worry about the money. I have enough, plus extra to spend on you."

I laugh. "You don't need to buy me anything Haz."

"Yes I do because I love you and I want to. I have something that I am dying for you to have but I need to wait a little to give it to you."

I know he is talking about the engagement ring. I stay silent as he wheels me over the glass. He takes us to the bedroom and picks me up carefully. He lays me on the bed and kisses my forehead. He moves on top of me and hovers over me, placing his knees on either side of my waist. I smile up at him and grab his face with my hands. He smiles down at me and I push some of his hair back.

"I love you baby. I still don't know why you forgave me. I mean I am glad you did but I was full on expecting you to never want me again."

I look in his eyes and pull his head down. I kiss him softly and pull back.

"I love you too much to ever see you leave. What you did was wrong, and I need to see that you actually changed, because what you did hurt me horribly."

"I know and I will never do anything remotely like that again. I love you."

He placed his lips to mine in a soft innocent kiss. He carefully wrapped his arms under me, holding me to him. He moved a hand under my head and kept our kiss in place.

"I love you so damn much Steph," he said, pulling on my bottom lip. I moaned as he dug his tongue into my mouth. He kissed me with force and tangled my hands in his hair.

"Harry," I gasped when he gripped my hip hard. He was losing control. I know it and he continued to hold my hip tighter and I placed my hands back on his face. I watched in awe as his eyes went back to their shining green color. I still don't know how one small touch from me can change him back. I lightened his kissing and moved the hand that was recently on my hip to my cheek. He rubbed his thumb in circles on my cheek and I relaxed.

He pulled back and kissed around my face. I felt my insides flutter at the feeling of his lips pressed to my eyelids. The sensation brings an electric wave running through me and I feel amazing with him.

"Steph, can I wash you?"

I open my eyes and see Harry's mop, lips trailing my neck.

"In the shower or in the bathtub?"

He started to suck on my sweet spot, just below my ear, a place Harry knows by heart, and I moan.

"I want to wash you in the bath. I miss your body and I want to feel you again."

I feel butterflies erupt through my body and he brings his head up and looks me in the eye.

"I want to have you again."

I smile and bring his head down and kiss him. "I'm all yours Haz."

He kissed me softly and lifted me up. He carried me to the bathroom and I unzipped my sweatshirt. I pulled it off and remained in my tank top and yoga pants. Harry walked over to me and placed the cast bags on me so I didn't get my casts wet. He pulled off my tank top and removed me of my yoga pants. I was left in my bra and panties as Harry went and turned the water off. He walked back to me and grabbed my hands.

"I love you. Please wear this," he said, reaching ad grabbing my promise ring. I held out my left hand and he slipped it on. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Thank you baby. Now let's get you relaxed."

He hugged me and unclasped my bra. He slipped it down my arms and it fell to the floor. He moved his hands and gently grabbed them in his hands.

"Perfect size."

I smile and he moves his hands to the edge of my panties. He places the tips of his thumbs along the edges and folds them into my panties, teasing me. I feel my insides turn as he moves his thumb into my panties and traces my clit.

"Harry," I gasp as he continually rubs over my center. I moan as he sends electricity weaving through my body.

I feel him pull away and he pulls my panties down. I step out of them and Harry picks me up and places me in the tub. I keep my right leg out of the tub and I lean my head on the ledge of the tub. I close my eyes and calm down.


"Yes?" I remain in my position and keep my eyes closed.

"Do you ever think you could accept my proposal again?"

I was not expecting that.

"Yes, I would but I wouldn't propose to me for a while. Not until we build up our relationship again. But yes, I would accept it."

I feel his hands on my arms and he gently massages my body with his hands. He moves his hands to my breasts and continues to go over them. He traces my nipple with his thumbs and I feel my insides burning. This sensation has me wanting him even more every second. He trails his hands down to my stomach and washes me there. He then moves his fingers to my most private area. He rubbed a hand over it and playfully stuck a finger inside of me.

I groaned and Harry trailed his hands down my legs. He moved back up and grabbed my face in his hands.

"Open your eyes baby."

I slowly opened them and he smiled down at me.

"I love you so much baby. You are the most beautiful person on the planet and I want you to know that. You mean the most to me and I want you until I die."

My heart flutters and I lean over the tub and kiss him. He keeps his hands on my face and I relax in his hands. I could stay here, kissing him forever. His lips are heaven and I would do anything to kiss this boy.

We stay and kiss until I pull away, the water getting cold. I tell Harry and he lifts me up. His face falls into a confused gaze and then turns sad. I have no idea what's wrong until I glance at my waist. Purple dots are on my hips and I can't believe how quickly they formed.

"No," he whispered as he moved his hands over the dots. They match his fingers and he shakes his head.

"Did I lose control?"

I stay silent at his question. He grabs a towel and wraps it around me and holds me close to him.

"I didn't mean to baby. I was so caught up and happy you were back. I didn't even know I did this. Please know I would never do this to you on purpose. I love you and I'm sorry. Please, I'm sorry."

I laugh at Harry and he gives me a confused look. "I'm fine, it didn't even hurt that bad. Besides, you were gone for 5 seconds, then I touched our face and you were fine."

He relaxed his tense shoulders and kissed my forehead. "I will always come back. Especially for you."

I pull away from the hug and peck Harry's lips. He lifts me up and carries me to the bedroom, getting ready for our resting day.

(Hey guys! Here's today's update! I hope you like it and please VOTE, FOLLOW, AND COMMENT!! I love you all and I hope you enjoy! <3)

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