Ch. 3

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Harry POV

I can't think straight anymore! This whole Reagan thing is driving me shit crazy! I can't help but imagine that she could be mine but Steph was only 15! That is way too young to have children.

I decided to call Karen at the hospital and talk this out because she will tell me what is happening.

K: Hello?

H: Karen?

K: Oh my God! Harry how are you?!

H: I'm good Karen. I have a question for you.

K: Oh, okay. Have you talked to Steph yet?

H: No but I saw her with a little girl at the park today.

K: Aw, did you meet Reagan?

H: Yes, she ran into me.

K: Well that's my daughter for you.

I took a sigh of relief. Reagan was Karen's and Steph didn't have a child.

H: She is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations by the way.

K: Thank you. I want you to know that when I get home at 8, Steph goes to the pond every night.

H: Thank you Karen. I will get there tonight.

K: Alright, see ya Harry.

I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone. I now know that Steph will be at our place tonight so I decide I will surprise her there.

I walk to my bedroom and lay on my bed. After Reagan, I can't help but wonder what Steph and my children will look like. Beautiful, strong, smart, and will be amazing.

I smile and turn on the TV and watch Family Guy for a while, but I barely paid attention. All I could think about was Steph.

Steph POV

"Reagan, let's get you cleaned up," I say to her, after we make a cake. Reagan decides to put her head in the mixing bowl to try and lick the bowl clean. I have since taken her shirt and pants off, leaving her in her underwear, to try and spare them from stains.

"Reagan you have batter in you hair," I laugh. The bowl is still on her head and I pull it off. She is covered in cake batter and I smile.

"You are a tasty looking baby," I say and she smiles.

"Yummy cake," she said. I pick her up off the counter and carry her to the bathtub in Karen and Jeff's room. I turn it on and place her in. She asked me to put bubbles into the tub and I loaded them in. I started to wash her and she put bubbles on her face to make her look like she had a beard.

"I got a beard," she said and I laugh.

"Yes you do baby," I smile and finish cleaning her. I lift her up and dry her off. I grab a shirt and pants from the counter and put them on her. I pick her up and carry her back downstairs. I place her on the couch and ask her what she wants for dinner.

"Grill cheese," she says and I kiss her forehead.

"Okay," I say and turn on the TV for her. I put on the Barbie movie that was on and walk into the kitchen. It is about 7 and I make our sandwiches.

"Reagan come here and sit at the table," I yell and turn to see Reagan walking into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes.

"Let's eat and get you to bed," I say, picking her up and sitting her on the chair. We eat and I carry her to her bed. I place her in and kiss her cheeks and forehead, and say goodnight. I walk back downstairs and see Karen walking in from work.

"Hey lady, how was your day?" she asked.

"Good, how was yours?"

She looked at me and glared. I laughed and she joined.

"That stressful?"

"I helped with 2 births today. I deserve a drink."

I smile and pour her a glass of her favorite wine. I hand it to her and she hugs me.

"I need something to eat too."

I laugh and start making her a pasta salad. I hear the garage door open and I know Jeff is home. he walks in and kisses the top of my head and says hello. I respond the same and he walks to the living room by Karen. I focus on the salad and finish it. I put it in 2 bowls and walk to the living room by Karen and Jeff who were talking.

"Thank you me lady," Jeff said and I laughed. Karen said thank you too and I walked upstairs to my room. I grabbed my jacket and phone and walked downstairs.

"II'll be home in an hour," I told Karen and Jeff and they nodded. I made my way to the pond and sat down. I have come here almost everyday, except for when we were in Italy. I got up and walked around and looked at the trees.

I looked at the sky and looked at the stars. They were so beautiful and Ilove looking up at them. I walk a little farther, to the bench I promised myself to Harry. I sat down on it and think about all the things Harry and I ever did together.

I feel myself tearing up, remembering his love filled gazes, his soft caresses on my cheeks, trying to calm me down when the Masters visited my dreams, his kisses, his hugs, and most importantly, the way he stole my heart.

I look at my phone and scroll through the pictures Harry and I took when we went out once. I smile and look out the field again. I see a small house across the pond with a light on, and it just looks like a perfect place to live.

Small, quaint, quiet, peaceful, it is beautiful.

I get up and start walking towards the way I came in when I heard something behind me. I was scared to move because it could be a murderer.


I felt my heart beat faster. I turn around and see the boy I first loved. A smile grows on both of our faces and I run to him. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me close.

"I missed you so much Harry," I whispered, feeling tears come to my eyes.

"I missed you way more," he said. I held him tighter. His hair is still in its curly mess. I place one of my hands on the back of his head and I bury my head into his neck.

"I love you baby," he said.

"I love you Harry," I replied pulling away. I looked into his sparkling eyes and he set me down. He placed his hands on either side of my face and leaned down and pressed a small kiss to my lips. I felt my insides tingling and I have missed the way he does this to my body.

"I am never leaving you again," he said against my lips.

"Good because I won't let you," I said and he laughed.

He pressed another kiss to my lips and my fingers play with the curls on the back of his neck. His arms move to wrap around me and I finally feel safe. He deepens the kiss and I allow. I have missed this so much and to have it be back is a dream.


"Hmm," I said, my eyes closed, barely registering what was going on.

"Can you move in with me?"

I open my eyes and look up at Harry. I smile and nod. He hugs me and spins me around. I laugh and he sets me down.

"I have missed your laugh so much. I kept trying to remember you but I couldn't. I missed your touch so much."

I move my head up and place a kiss to his lips. He rubs his kiss with mine and I smile.

"I love you."

I peck his lips. "I love you too Haz."

I hugged him and he tightly held me close to him.

"I met Reagan," he stated.

I move and look at his face. "When?" I ask confused.

"She ran into me at the park this morning. She is beautiful."

I smile and agreed. "You have no idea how scared I was though. I thought the condom broke and I thought she was ours. Her eyes were almost like yours."

"Yeah, she's Karen's little girl. I have been taking care of her for the most part because Karen and Jeff work a lot and I didn't go to college."

He smiles and kisses my forehead. "The way you watch her made me think she was yours. Just know that if she was, I would love her no matter what."

I smile and realize he really wants a child. I peck his lips lean my forehead against his and feel his breath hit my lips.

"You are so good with kids Steph," he whispers.

I smile. "It's practice for when I have one someday."

He kisses the tip of my nose and replies, "And I will be the one helping you with that."

I laugh and he joins. He leans in and kisses my lips again. I place my hands on the sides of his face and he bends and picks me up. He starts to walk as I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Where are we going?" I ask and he places me down.

"Karen's. You need to pack."

I laugh and kiss his cheek. "I will move in tomorrow. I need to sleep first."

He groaned and I laughed. I wrapped my arms around him and looked up at him. "Did I mention I want to sleep with you?"

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Yours or mine?" he asked.

"Let's go to yours." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and walked me home. It was only about 5 minutes if you walked so we were there quickly. He kissed my head and waited outside while I went to grab my shorts and tee. I left a note for Karen and Jeff telling them where I am and head out the door.

Harry grabs my hand and we walk to his apartment. He opens the door and I walk in. He comes up behind me and picks me up bridal-style.

"Welcome home," he said and I smiled. I kissed his cheek and he carried me to the bedroom. He set me down, my feet hitting the cold wood floor.

He smiled down and kissed my forehead.

"I have to do something really quick and I will join you."

I nodded and he walked out the room. I turned on the TV and watched the news.

Investigators suspect the jail break of John and Marcus Masters has something to do with John Masters’ wife, Julie. People in the area are on the tips of their toes, trying to leave the city in hopes of being safe. The city’s most wanted have escaped.

My whole body started to shake.


I hear him running into the room and he runs to me. He sits on the bed and pulls me onto his lap. he strokes my hair and holds me close.

"Shhh, what's wrong?" he asked.

I rewinded the news and he watched it. He held me tighter and I cried into his chest.

"I promise they won't get you. I am here now."

I relax in his arms and he rubs hand up and down my back.

"I love you and they won't get you."

I thought this left me years ago, now they're back. I can't believe this. I feel like such a child clinging onto Harry like this but they scarred me for life.

"It's okay I will not leave you alone. I am here with you all the way."

I have since stopped crying and I am still in Harry's arms. I lift my head and Harry places his hands on either side of my face. He kissed between my eyebrows and wiped my cheeks with his thumbs.

"I'm here for you," he whispered and I looked into his eyes. The look of love deep in his eyes made me know he was true. I leaned my head in and met his lips in a soft, innocent kiss. His curls tickled my forehead and his hands stayed on my cheeks. My hands pressed flat on his chest as he continued to move his lips on mine in perfect sync. I pulled away and he took my hands in his. He smiled when he saw my ring and looked up at me. He still had his on and I smiled back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me.

"I love you," he whispered against me neck, starting to place soft kisses to my delicate skin. I place my hand on the back of his head and buried mine in his neck.

"I love you too."

His hands moved to waist and kept his kisses to my neck. I knew where this was leading so I moved, his lips capturing mine. His hands started to make their way up my shirt and he pulled it off my body. He dipped his head and kissed my collarbones. Shivers went through my body as he sucked on the frail skin. I moved my hands and lifted his shirt off his body. Once off, he wrapped his arms around me protectively and kept kissing me gently. He lifted me up and stood. He placed me so my head was on the pillow and he was hovering over me.

He took his necklace in his fingers and leaned down and pecked my lips. "You kept it on."

I smiled. "Always."

He smiled, showing his perfect smile, and leaned and captured my lips in a sweet kiss. His hands were on the top of my head, playing with my hair, while he held his weight up on his forearms. My hands were placed on his very defined stomach. He started to move his lips down my jaw and to my neck. He trailed down my stomach and to the waistband of my jeans.

He carefully unbuttoned them and slid them down my legs. He kissed down my legs and ended with my toes. I giggled, him remembering I was ticklish there. He laughed and came back up to me.

"I have missed your body so much. Ours fit together perfectly and yours is so beautiful."

I smile and kiss his lips again. He moves to his previous position but I move my hands down to his belt buckle. I hear him take in a breath ad I keep kissing him. I pop the buckle and button and begin to slid them down his waist. He shifts and takes them off, leaving us both in just our underwear. He  connects our lips again, leaving me breathless. He moves his hands under my back and unclasps my bra. He takes it off my body and throws it to the floor. He starts to kiss my breasts and I wrap my fingers in his hair.

"So beautiful," he whispered, "I can't take my eyes off you."

He moved his arm around my back and the other on my cheek, and lifted me up to kiss him. He smashed our lips together, trying to make up for 3 years of being apart.

(Hey guys! I left you with a cliffhanger that I will finish tomorrow!! Please keep VOTING FOLLOWING, AND COMMENTING WHAT YOU THINK!! It means a lot and I love hearing your thoughts.)

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