Ch. 23

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Steph POV

Harry led me to the car, ready to go home, but we were soon stopped by a car speeding into the parking lot.

"Get in the car! Please baby!" he yelled. I got into the car quickly and Harry slammed the door on me. The car parked and Josh came out.

I covered my ears and brought my knees to my chest. They started yelling at each other and I just tried to ignore them.

"Harry, what do you possibly see in her?! I am better than you!"

"She's mine! And has been ever since I met her! She's all I want. We could be broke and living on the streets and she would be the most important thing! Would you do that for her?!"

"Hell yes!"

The continued fighting over whose better, but I wouldn't choose. Harry is the only one I want. It is obvious considering everything we have done together.

"You will never get your hands on her. She is never going to choose you. Seriously, ask her."

Shit, what is he up to?

I heard the door open and Harry picked me up. "Baby I need you to choose."

He set me down and I was between the two of them. Josh came to me and grabbed my face. Harry balled his fists but remained stationary.

"Steph, princess, he is nothing compared to what I can do for you. He is a horrible person and will hurt you. I won't and I promise I will do anything for you."

I just stared at him. He seriously thinks I am considering leaving Harry for him. I pull away from his grasp and he walks away. I stare at Josh, trying to get him to think that I want him. Josh was to my right, Harry on my left. I turned to my right and looked at Josh, who had a big smile on his face. I smiled back and turned around, running to Harry. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and spinning me around. I pecked his cheek and we turned to Josh.

"You are in some serious shit here Steph. If I could tell you everything he did to me and the person I loved, man you would be with me in a heartbeat."

I tightened my arms around Harry and buried my face in his chest.

"My fiancée chose me. Get over it. I love her. Get over the fact that Hailey didn't like you!"

I start to wonder about Hailey, but the mention of her name shut Josh up.

"You will pay Harry Styles. My Hailey is your Steph. You destroyed us and I will destroy you."

I heard him slam his door right as a tear fell from my eye.

"Shh, he's gone."

I pull away and walk to the car. I wrap my arms around my legs and set my chin on my knees. Harry turns the car on and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Please talk to me."

A silent tear falls down my cheek, scared to even ask.

"What did you do to Hailey and Josh?" I asked, barely cracking a whisper.

I hear him sigh and shifting in his seat. I knew it was probably another Emily type of story. He pulled into the apartments and I got out.

"I don't want you to leave Steph," he said as we walked into the apartment.

I threw my heels by the door and turned to him. "I just don't want you to hide things. After the whole Emily thing, I just had to build my faith up in you. I love you and I just want to know why he is after us."

His eyes were soft and he grabbed my hand. He lead us to the bedroom and into the closet. "I promise I will tell you I just want to lay with you."

I smile and nod. I took off my dress and a tank top and a pair of leggings. I put my hair into a bun and looked at Harry, who was smiling at me, leaning against the side of the door. He was in a pair of joggers and was shirtless.

"I want you to come here," he stated. I walked over to him and he stood up. He grabbed my waist and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and looked down at him, placing my hands n his cheeks.

"Now, I want you to kiss me."

I smile and place my lips on his. He squeezed my butt and I gasped, him slipping his tongue into my mouth. He carried me to the bed and sat me down. I pushed his hair back and he fell back, me falling on top of him. I crawled up to him and leaned to his ear.

"I still need an explanation." He stiffened and sat up, placing his hands on my back. I slid off his lap and faced him.

"I don't want you to leave. Please don't leave."

"Harry, just tell me."

He looked right into my eyes and kissed me quickly.

"In England, I was the guy all the girls thought of as someone to help them with their needs. I didn't mind and I thought it was funny when Josh's girlfriend, Hailey, asked me to help her. I said yes and we did stuff behind his back. She told me that she hated Josh and that she only wanted him for money. You see, Josh at the time was in a really good paying job and bought her everything. Just was not very good in bed."

This wasn't as bad as I thought and I am hoping it doesn't get worse.

"Hailey and I were together for almost a month. She was my 'friend with benefit' but our relationship never left either of our apartments. We ignored each other and our feelings and urges while we were in public. At a party, I saw Hailey and she led me to the bedroom upstairs. We got heated and that was when Josh walked in. He blamed everything on me.

"Josh tried to get back at me but never was able to, considering I never had a girlfriend. I talked to Hailey after Josh found out and that made Josh even madder. Josh just didn't give Hailey what she wanted and Hailey dumped him. Josh, being the person he is, blamed me for having the love of his life walk out on him. Hailey started to date this guy and they got married a while ago because she got pregnant but that's another story."

I nodded and he just stared at me, waiting for my answer.

"So, am I better than her in bed?"

He smiled and started laughing. He crawled over to me and I lay down.

"You are the best and better than anything I have had, because you bring it more meaning." He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms under me.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too Haz," I smiled.

He rolled to his side and held me close to him.

"We need to go to England," he whispered.


"I want you to be safe."

"Harry, I am not leaving you and I want to take that course at Princeton."

"But what if he gets you. I won't be there for you."

"Harry, are you seriously dragging me to England?"


I turn away from him and try to fall asleep.

"Steph, don't be mad."

I don't answer him and just relax.

"Steph," he said. "We need to talk about this."

I ignore him again and take a deep breath, falling asleep.

I wake up and Harry isn't in bed. I grab my phone and look at a message from Karen.

Took a trip to Florida for spring break. Be safe and have fun!

I smile and set my phone back on the table. I get out of bed and walk out of the bedroom. I get into the hallway and hear Harry on the phone.

"I want it to be in two weeks. She's asleep. Yes, I want the theme black and white. I don't care how much it is I want the best. Okay. The wedding won't be huge but there will be a lot of people there. Yes, in a church down the street. May 3. Yes, thank you. Everything is set? Alright. Thank you and goodbye."

He did not just plan our wedding?! That is amazing. He really wants this.

I walk out into the kitchen and grab a chocolate chip muffin off the counter. I look out the window and feel two strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning baby," he whispered, his voice raspy and deep. He kissed my ear and placed his chin on my shoulder. I grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee, completely ignoring Harry.

"Baby what's wrong?" he asked, holding me tighter.


"Yes, there is because you aren't talking to me."


"I know, you don't want to go to England but you are. We are getting married on May 3rd. I just planned it. I actually have been planning it for a while. I had a lady send out invitations already and everyone knows about it. I didn't want to have you stress over this so I did it."

I turned and faced him. "You did all of that without telling me! I am also getting married you know. It would have been nice if you included me in on this too."

"Steph, I wanted to do it so you wouldn't worry. I love you and I want you to be happy. Please just come to England with me."

"Harry you need to drop the England thing. I am not going."

I turned away from him and walked into the bedroom. I was done with him trying to make me move and I was done with everything that has to do with Josh.

(Hey lovely people! I finally got an update up and please follow, vote, and comment what you think!! I love you all so please vote!! <3)

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