A Fiery Reunion

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The figure raised her hand, and with a graceful motion, blue and orange flames combined into a searing pyre beam. With a deafening roar, she launched it towards the trio!

"LOOK OUT!" Ryan shouted, but it was too late.


The explosion hit them like a battering ram, blasting them off the building in a cloud of smoke. Dazed, Ryan shook his head as he watched Blood Girl and Max fall beside him, both unconscious. Max's rocky armor slowly disappeared as they continued to free fall, the ground rapidly approaching.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Ryan grunted as he flipped upside down, his sneakers bursting open as claws ripped through and dug into the concrete wall of the building.

He grabbed Blood Girl and Max's legs, halting their fall just in time, the screeching of claws against concrete barely covering the sound of bullets whizzing past them. The police helicopters appeared from across the building, their guns trained on Ryan.

"Give me a break, damn!" He growled, flinging Blood Girl and Max up into the air.

As they hung suspended, Ryan sprang off the wall, carrying the two of them over his shoulder. Dodging gunfire from the helicopters, he lunged onto another building, moving swiftly through the chaos.

"Guys...wake up!" Ryan shouted, taking another massive leap.

Suddenly, a searing pain shot through his back as he was hit by a fire beam! With a burst of flames, the woman appeared around the corner, rocketing towards them. In mid-air, Ryan breathed out a fireball, but the woman easily absorbed it and fired it back at them. 

Just in the nick of time, Blood Girl woke up and used her tendrils to pull the brothers and herself to the ground! They narrowly dodged the fireball, as an ember nearly burned the tip of Ryan's dreads before they crashed into a table outside a restaurant. Plates and glasses flew in all directions as panicked civilians scurried for cover.


From afar, the red haired woman watched the fight. Her eyes glowed softly as she scanned the area, the lenses enhancing her vision. 

"I got another one, boss." The woman mumbled her hand morphed into a sniper rifle.


Unknown to the flaming woman, a small dot-like device had been shot through the air, sneakily latching on their hood. She slowly descended towards the trio, tossing a device on Ryan's chest.

"Alright, beam us up." 

Groaning in pain, Ryan's watched how the device started to vibrate, emitting a bright blue light that seemed to swallow everything around them.



The OutSkirts Of Sky City


With a sudden jolt, the trio found themselves in a dense forest, a roaring waterfall echoing in the distance. Ryan and Blood Girl slowly sat up, their heads pounding. As Ryan blinked away the dizziness, he finally got a good look at her face. 

Her features were soft, with plump lips and smooth, chocolate skin. Fiery red highlights adorned the ends of her hair as the sharp glint from her nose ring caught his eye. Her eyes, partially covered by a burnt and torn mask, revealed freckles on her nose.

"Hey..." He groaned.

"Hi.." She coughed, still dizzy, "I really hate you. You know that, right?"

"I get that. "

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