The Weight Of The World

358 19 16


"Max, you've got the body of a hero-in-training," Sapphire quipped, "All that running around fields, teamwork in spades. But, amigo, your powers need some extra reps in the gym."

"'am. " Max nodded.

" Your invitation to join is on the table outside. Just follow the instructions if you wanna come back. " Sapphire smiled.

" Noted. "

Sapphire's scrutiny shifted to Karla, her gaze lingering thoughtfully. 

"Karla, you've got a flair for drama; I'll give you that." Sapphire's tone was edged with amusement, "But there's a spark in you that needs a little more fuel. Quick thinking, impressive. But creativity, my dear, that's what'll set you apart. I've seen glimpses of it, particularly in your comfortable settings, like those 'bank robberies."

 "Wait, have you been stalking me?" Karla's brows furrowed.

 "Let's just say a little birdie's kept me up to speed on the Crimson Bandit's endeavors." Sapphire let out a melodic laugh.

 "Wait, you're the Crimson-" Ryan's exclamation couldn't be contained, " THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE- "

" Scale Boy...quit it. " Karla scoffed, " Look, if you're gonna tell me the same thing you told the jock, I don't work well with teams- "

" I can just turn you over to authorities. " Sapphire said with a smirk.

" I'll...consider the offer. " Karla mumbled as she avoided eye contact.

"As for the rest of you, I'm detecting some big improvement in the 'group dynamics' department. Nice job, you're getting closer to harmonizing."

The room seemed to hold its breath as Lady Sapphire's gaze shifted to Ryan, her tone sharper than a blade.

 "Now...Ryan, was it?"  She drawled,  "Animalistic-like abilities; I have a friend who'd love to meet you. "

Ryan's excitement fluttered, replaced by a nervous energy ripping through his frame.

" So...time to cut to the chase. " Sapphire's voice cut like ice, "Sloppy, unrefined. Tell me, how long have you had your powers?"

" a week now? " Ryan mumbled, his confidence dwindling.

" A week, huh? And your brother? " She motioned to Max, "Had his powers for not even a full day, correct?"

" Y-yeah.." Ryan nodded.

" Karla, how long have you had your- "

"I've had mine for a year." Karla chimed in.

 "Interesting. So, one week, and what have you accomplished? Other than destroying public property and endangering many civilians. But let's narrow it down to today. What was the problem? Nervous energy, lack of control, technique, or team synergy? Enlighten me." Sapphire side-eyed Ryan, a smirk playing on her lips.

Ryan's gaze dropped to the floor, his shoulders slumping under his inadequacies. Her words landed like hammer blows, striking at his self-confidence.

" I...I tried. I made a few mistakes- "

Dante huffed audibly, his annoyance thinly veiled. His face flushed with embarrassment; Ryan tried to hide it behind his hand, his heart a mix of frustration and aching determination.

" Okay, I made a little more than a few- "

" Ryan, stop. " Sapphire cut in.

"Huh..." Ryan's excitement deflated like a popped balloon.

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