
216 13 34

3: 45 a.m.


Emma struggled to get back to her feet as Max rode on an earth wave towards her. She took out a dart and threw it at Max, attempting to weaken his powers but, he created an earth shield blocking it. He burrowed underground and reappeared in front of her, uppercutting her into the air! Max made an earth pillar, shooting himself into the air.

She got back to her feet, breathing heavily as Max's eyes widened. " Damn...she just doesn't quit! " Max thought as she ran UP the pillar! He punched it with all his strength, making it crumble to pieces. However, that didn't stop Emma. Emma flipped off the falling rocks, lunging up and smacking a roundhouse in Max's face! Max crashed into the ground with a boom as the other rocks fell to the street, creating LOUD thuds.  Max coughed and struggled to stand while Emma dived down and kneed him in the back. Then, angrily, Max spun around and POUNDED a SAVAGE headbutt, sending Emma flying down the street. 

" Ah..that felt like I headbutted bedrock. " Max groaned, holding his head.

" That hurt. " 

" Ah, come on! " Max whined, seeing Emma cut her hair shorter with her dagger.

" You can't beat me. " Emma's voice was cold and robotic.

" Emma, think. You knew me...don't you remember anything? " Max asked, but his question was met with silence, " You don't have to do this-"


Emma cracked him in the chin, making him stagger.  Without hesitation, Emma swerved in front of him and pounded her elbow into his cheek, SLAMMING him into the pavement! Max struggled to get to his feet as he yelled. Wildly, he swung for her face, but Emma was too swift. She landed a disgusting uppercut in Max's stomach, his body shaking as the impact connected. Weakly, he tried to hit her off him, but she countered with a double palm strike knocking him backward.  Emma flipped in the air, attempting to kick his face, but Max quickly grabbed her leg and slammed her back on the ground. 

" Enough!- " Max coughed.

Emma scoffed and spun out of his hold, landing two swift punches in his bladder. Max gawked in pain as she quickly shut his jaw close with her heel. Pissed off, Max yelled and clapped his palms together, sending a powerful shockwave knocking Emma back into a car, crushing its hood. Emma slowly got up, groaning as she spat blood. " Damage...great, I'm not just wasting time. " Max winced as he stomped on the ground. An earth pillar popped from the ground, cracking Emma in the jaw! She was tossed in the air as Max charged after her from below. Emma spun in mid-air, trying to land a dive kick; however, Max shot himself up with another pillar! He was too fast, landing a powerful blow to her stomach. Emma tumbled on top of a building, smacking her head on the concrete. Max landed on the building next to her, holding his stomach in pain.

" Emma...we don't have to keep fighting...Origin is the enemy. " Max felt tears start to form, " Shit...you hit really...really hard. "

" The only enemy is you. " Emma's eyes glowed as black energy surrounded her wrists.

" Stop this! Please! Remember who you were. " Max put up his guard, " I don't wanna have to kill you. "

" You can't. " Emma shot a powerful energy beam in Max's direction!


Caught off guard by the sheer force of the blast, Max crashed into the ground, leaving a crater upon landing! Emma flipped off the building and landed next to Max, hearing his groans as his body twitched in the crater. Smoldering rocks fell on Max's face, his head leaving stains of blood on the ground. Emma raised her palm again, prepared to end the boy. Suddenly, Michelle spun out of the air, blasting Emma back with a kick.  Emma groaned; that kick actually did something. Michelle helped Max to his feet as the two of them stared at her.

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