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Nichole's P.O.V.

" Mom? Can I go to the movies with Zoe? It's for the 7:30 show, and don't worry. The movie theatre isn't too common. " I say to my mother, who sat in a chair drinking tea.

" Have you finished your book reports, chores, fencing lessons- " 

" Yes, everything is done. " I interrupt, and she gives me a look, " Sorry..for interrupting. " 

" Nichole, I still don't like the idea of you hanging with another meta-human. " She sighs.

" She still hangs out with her? Nichole, you're in a rich family. A rich ABNORMAL family.  Stop hanging out with people at her level. " My older brother, Liam grumbles as he enters the room. 

" Don't worry, mom, she's a good influence. I promise." I whisper while I glare at my brother.

" Nichole, I understand and this whole Project Renegade stuff. The name alone makes my skin crawl. You don't need them to be a hero, and you shouldn't be one in the first place. What if you become a vigilante like that last person-" 

" I actually met him; he's a really nice person-"

" Nichole, don't cut me off. "

" Sorry, mom. "

" I don't want to see you wear a mask, neither a cape nor a cowl. Is that clear? "

" Fine...." I groan.

" Mom, I'm going out with Abigail on a date.  " Liam says as he leaves, " I'll be out late. " 

" Bye, Liam, stay safe. " My mother takes another sip of tea, and she side-eyes me, seeing me tap my foot impatiently, "Nichole....you can go. "

" Yay! Thank you, mom!" I give a kiss on the cheek before I skip out of the room.

I grab my jacket and burst through the door, running down to my gate. Being the lazy person that I am, I shoot vapor out of my hands. I'm flung into the air and sent flying over the gate. I roll on the ground, and as I flip my hair in the wind. 


I turn to the left, seeing a little girl on a tricycle. I wave, trying to hide my blush. 

" Whoa....cool! " She exclaims, " How did you do that?! "

" Um...exercise. Rest...and eat your green vegetables. " I chuckle. 

" My mom always says that! I just never believed her! " She zooms off on her bike, making me smile.


" Hello? " I answer the phone.

" Nichole? Aye, wassup! I knew you would answer. " Max mumbles, " Look, I need you to help me out with superhero stuff-"

" Max...I have a movie date with Zoe-"

" Zoe? Great! Three is better than one! Meet me in Ocean Park. I'm near the ice cream shop, make it quick. " He hangs up.

" Ugh....." I groan, dialing Zoe, " Zoe, bad news. "

" Huh? We're still on for the movies, right? " She questions.

" Max needs help at Ocean Park, says it's superhero related. If that's the case, I think we should go...before he makes a fool of himself. "  I grumble.

" Ugh....."

" I know, right! "

" Fine, I'll be there. " 

Project Renegade: Genesis (Being Updated)Where stories live. Discover now