With Great Power....

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Ryan's mouth went dry as he tried to swallow, his eyes flashing green as he looked into the murky puddle. 

"This...this can't be happening..." He whispered, his voice barely audible as he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him, "Okay, just calm down."

He paced back and forth, his breaths coming in short, ragged bursts. With each step, he felt the scales slowly disappear, his body morphing back to its normal state. But his mind was still reeling from what had just happened.


Just as he tried to gather himself, the sound of Max's phone ringing startled him.

"Hello?" His voice trembled.

"Bro, where are you?" Max stood at the scene with the police, "We were in some deep shit."

"What happened?"

"Those guys with the snake tats—they're gang members. You could've been killed, dude. "


"Some fled the scene, I don't know if they're looking for you or not, so you tell us where you are right now!"

"I...don't really know."

"You don't know?"

"I'll meet you back home...I don't think anyone followed me. " 

"Fine, me and Jen will be there soon. Uh, try to avoid mom."

"Way ahead of you. " Ryan sighed as he hung up.

He could see the glowing blue veins pulsating just beneath the surface of his skin, casting an eerie light in the dim alley.

"What... what is happening to me?" Ryan whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the sound of his racing heartbeat.


Ryan's House, 5:30 pm.

Adam sat at the kitchen counter, his eyes glued to the computer screen, reading the headline of the shooting. Ava, in her police uniform, stood nearby, tapping her foot impatiently. 

"Okay, let's forget today even happened. " Ryan huffed as he grabbed the doorknob.

As soon as Ryan entered, he could feel the weight of his parents' glares burning into the back of his head. With a sinking feeling in his stomach, he slowly turned, trying to avoid eye contact, but it was too late. 

"So much for avoiding them." He thought as he grimaced.

"So...mind telling us what happened today?" Ava asked with folded arms.

" Oh...uh..." Ryan muttered, " Nothing much- "


Ryan jumped at the sound; but it sounded all too familiar. He didn't need to turn to know his dad was playing the video of him knocking Prince out.

"Nothing much? " Ava repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"I..." Ryan hesitated, his mind racing for an explanation, "It was an...accident?"

"An accident?" 

"Yeah...I mean, I didn't mean to hit him that hard. " Ryan admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Your second week back at school, and you caused a fight that almost ended in a shooting. " Adam slowly turned in the chair, "So I ask, what do you think we should do to you right now? "

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