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Two weeks later


The sun shone brilliantly, and the bright color of the winter day felt offensively cheerful. "It shouldn't be like this," Ryan gripped onto his cast, "I shouldn't have to be at my mother's funeral, and I shouldn't have to be..." Ryan thought in his silent grief. Struggling to hold back the pain, tears flowed steadily, silently down the immobile faces of the brothers. Chloe cried out in anger and sorrow, falling to her knees as Max choked on the grief. Ryan felt bruised inside. Max felt numb. Chloe felt emptiness. The three looked at their mother's body as Ryan's tears hit the side of her coffin. He gripped the sides, feeling embarrassed, even for calling himself a hero. No matter how many people he saved that day, he couldn't save her. 

The service began with words from the minister, as the speeches brought a fresh onslaught of tears. Right after the police chief said his final words, Adam slowly walked up to the podium. His hands twitched as he tried to speak but, his heart shattered at his wife's memory. He closed his eyes, opening them back only to see him standing next to Ava on their wedding day. Her piercing green eyes, short black hair, and dark complexion stand in front of him once again. Suddenly, everything around him began to decay. Ava kissed him as he felt that rush again. Finally, he fell onto the podium in tears, crying loudly as Max felt guilt. " I should've been stronger...I should've-" He thought before Ryan tapped his leg, signaling his brother to get up as they were next to speak the eulogy. 

As Ryan stood up there, he looked down at everyone. The police, his family, and his closest friends seemed to have taken the same amount of pain as him. He clenched his fist, forcing the tears that ran down his face to stay away. Max looked at his tribute and sighed as the room went silent for a brief moment. 

" M-Mom...was amazing. " Ryan's voice cracked, " Our lives will never be the same again. She died a....she died a hero. "

" I- I remember her being there when I needed to smile. " Max said, trying to hold back his anger.

" I remember her being there when I messed up. " 

" Which is a lot. " Max made the audience chuckle.

" She always knew what we were thinking even before we thought of it; I used to wonder if she was psychic. " Ryan forced a smile, " I heard it comes with the package of being a mother. " 

" Without her, we'd probably be two entirely different people. " Max sniffled.

" When we heard the news...it was devastating. " Ryan, he heard her last words in his ears, " In that moment of losing her..my world collapsed...I had just lost my mother....the same woman I had taken for granted from time to time. Now I can't even apologize...I can't tell her I want her goodnight hugs anymore or ask for her advice. I just...want her to know I'm sorry, but I can't. " 

"It's a strange thing to lose something which you once had, like a limb torn from your body without....the chance to save it. " Max said as Ryan clenched his fist at that last line.

Without the chance to save it. 

" Our mother..was the definition of a B.A. I'll give you a hint...the first word is 'bad'... " Ryan chuckled, " She died protecting others who couldn't protect themselves, and I'm proud of her for that. "

" We can't change the past...but we can't just give up here. We have a city to rebuild; she would've worked day and night to see us back to normal if she was here. " Max looked at the police force. 

" One of my favorite quotes from her...was "You could be the biggest boxer in the world. Undefeated and nothing stopping you. But, life will always hit you with that uppercut that'll send you spiraling downhill. But you can't lay down and get counted out. You get right back up on your feet and keep going." We have to keep going...do it for her, Ava Richards." Ryan closed his eyes.

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