Sir, That's A lot More Than Three...

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"D, maneuver Seven!" Jennifer commanded, her skin crackling with blue and orange flames.


With a sudden burst of speed, Dante dashed forward, creating a blinding whirlwind of dust and debris that surrounded him. Simultaneously, Jennifer soared through the air beside him, her body engulfed in roaring flames.

"Now!" Jennifer cried out as they both shot out their attacks.

The combined attack created a devastating blast that engulfed Origin in a swirling and howling inferno of wind and fire. 


The dust slowly cleared, and a moment of eerie silence hung in the air.


Jennifer's eyes went wide in shock as she saw Origin's glowing eyes penetrate through the thick smoke.

"Z! Maneuver 3!" Jennifer yelled as she and Dante backed off.

Without hesitation, Zoe front-flipped into the fight, summoning a massive wall of ice. With a fierce motion and shout, she propelled the ice wall forward, sending it hurtling towards Origin. But Origin countered, transforming his arm into a serrated blade, and with one slash, he effortlessly cut through it!

"My turn. " Origin huffed as the air around him began to crackle and distort.

In a swift, fluid motion, he raised his arm, and a brilliant beam of energy shot out, slicing through the air with terrifying speed and precision. Before Zoe, Jennifer, and Dante could even react, Max charged in front of them, his body surrounded by rocks.


With a deafening blast, the laser struck him, instantly obliterating his armour and sending him hurtling through the forest. Through the smoke, Ryan watched in horror as his brother crashed through a tree, the impact sending splinters flying in all directions. 

"Kill the others." Origin commanded, and the robots raised their arms in unison, "Ruby, with me. Subdue the G-Formula."

The woman with red hair, Ruby, leaned down, hydraulic cannons emerging from her thighs as she rocketed towards Ryan. Her arm morphed into a metallic axe, swinging with wild precision. Desperate, Ryan jumped back to create distance, but Ruby shot out her arm like a snake, grabbing Ryan's shirt and pulling him in. 

Suddenly, Dante sent an air slash, slicing off Ruby's arm!  

"Pay attention. " Dante scoffed, "I'm not saving you twice! "

Wires and electricity sparked from the exposed circuitry. Ruby's movements were robotic, stiff yet calculated as she turned her head towards Dante with cold, dead eyes.

" Permission to kill this one? " Ruby's eyes sparked red.

" Permission granted. " Origin nodded.

Ruby wasted no time. With a mechanical whirr, her arm retracted back into its socket, before she charged after Dante. He took off through the remains of the forest, Ruby hot on his heels.


As Ryan turned his head, he found himself face to face with Origin! Quickly, a blood tendril wrapped around Ryan's waist, pulling him away just in time as Origin slammed his fist into the ground.


The earth crumbled and shook violently from the impact. Ryan landed on a tree, using his claws to hang on as he looked down at Karla, her eyes bloodshot.

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