Welcome Back (Leah's POV)

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Months went by after that night that Cisco stayed over. We didn't talk about what had happened that night, we both knew what was going on; Ronnie's death had impacted all of us in different ways. I had to finally admit that I was being selfish by locking myself away from the world; I wasn't the only one who lost something, I wasn't the only one whose life changed.

I went back into work about a month after that night, exactly two months after Ronnie's death. Cisco welcomed me back with a cup of my favorite coffee that morning and I let him drive. I was too nervous to walk back into that building that I kept quiet the whole time and just listened to Cisco. He was never quiet. It was nice, though; his talking distracted me, it kept me from being alone with my thoughts. I hated being alone. I would always wonder what Ronnie would say or do if he was around.

"You need to go back to work, sis. Quit being lazy." Yeah, that sounded about right.

I tried telling myself that it was Cisco that convinced me to go back to work but in all honesty, I knew Ronnie would be disappointed with me if I didn't. I couldn't just sit around and waste my life away. He wouldn't want that, he would hate that.

So, I sat and listened to Cisco while he drove. He talked about big things and little things; he caught me up on how Wells and Caitlin were doing, he talked about how nice the weather was, he mentioned a new Star Wars movie was coming soon, and then he said the name Barry Allen. Remembering Wells telling me about this mysterious person, I looked over at Cisco to give him my full attention. His hair was tied back into a low ponytail that day and he wore another one of his graphic t-shirts. To be honest, I was also wearing one of his graphic t-shirts; I didn't feel like dressing up nice for work like I usually do so I figured maybe it was acceptable to wear what Cisco normally does. So, I borrowed his shirt... and never gave it back...

"So, he gets struck by lightning, right? And he was having strokes and such at the hospital, it was weird!" he was explaining, so caught up in his story and wearing one of his goofy smiles on his face. I couldn't help but smile too; sometimes I wondered if he even noticed that I wasn't listening. He would ramble on while I zoned out to be consumed by my thoughts of Ronnie and if he ever did notice, he didn't say anything, he would just continue to talk. "But get this; he's fine! He's legit okay. Ever since Wells brought him into STAR Labs, he's been fine! He's like completely, physically healed, he just hasn't woken up yet! Weird, right?"

"Very," I nodded in agreement, looking back out the window again. And he continued to talk as we got closer and closer to STAR Labs.

My palms were sweaty and my heart quickened its pace as we walked inside. I knew the whole place like the back of my hands but I still let Cisco lead the way. I figured it'd be harder for him to stop me from running away if he was in front of me. It was silent in the elevator as we watched the buttons light up for each level we passed. I gripped my purse tightly, suddenly feeling suffocated. I really shouldn't have come... Ronnie died in this building...

"Hey," I looked over to see that Cisco had been watching me the whole time. He gave me a small, sad smile. "It's okay, I promise. Ronnie would want this."

I sighed and looked back down at the lit up buttons. "Yeah, I know."

When we reached the floor we wanted, we took two steps out and were already greeted by Harrison Wells. He sat and looked up at me from his silver wheelchair. He had a smile on his face as if my appearance was expected and welcomed.

"Welcome back, Leah." He said. I saw a flash of pain cross his face as his eyes looked me over. I knew what he was seeing, exactly what I see in the mirror every morning; Ronnie.

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