Leaco?(Leah's POV)

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I spent the next few months fixing and rebuilding STAR Labs technology and helping Caitlin watch over Barry. They were right about him; he seemed physically fine, but we had no way of knowing when he would wake up again. We didn't rush things, though. Of course, we kept in touch with his legal guardian, well, father Joe West and Joe's daughter, Iris. She was pretty and when I told her that we weren't sure when Barry would wake up and her face fell with disappointment, I had a feeling there was something there.

I voiced this to Barry Allen one day when I was checking his vitals. "You like her, don't you? I don't blame you, she's pretty. I think she likes you too, just so you know... But it's been nine months, Barry. You've got to wake up eventually."

"Still talking to Mr. Snores?" Cisco asked as he bounded into the room with a spring to his step.

I felt my cheeks turn pink and I shrugged my shoulders. "I think it helps."

"Eh, he'll wake up when he's ready," he took a slurp of the slushy he held in his hand and tilted his head to the side as he looked me up and down.

It wasn't unusual for Cisco to check me out by now, we spent almost every day together and he would complement me when he felt it was needed. However, this time I knew why he was doing it and my cheeks blushed brighter before he could even ask.

"Is that my shirt you're wearing?"

I glanced down at the Star Wars shirt I was wearing; it obviously wasn't mine, for it was a bit long and baggy on me. I avoided his eyes, writing down Barry's vitals to distract myself and make myself look busy. "I was hoping you wouldn't notice," I mumbled.

His voice was quiet when he told me, "Oh. Well... I don't mind. It's just a shirt."

"Honestly, I thought it was mine until I put it on this morning! By then, it was already on and I was running late, and--,"

He chuckled, "It's fine, really. Besides, looks better on you."

I smiled, mocking what he said earlier, "It's just a shirt." The shirt smelled immensely like him, though. THAT was the real reason why I didn't take it off that morning. He smelled good, nothing wrong with that.... Right?

<Time Skip>

Barry woke up several days later and I couldn't help but think it was because of the one-sided conversations I had with him. He just needed encouraging words to wake him up. But he didn't stay long, actually, he left the next morning and STAR Labs was quiet again. Wells seemed a bit cranky and snapped at any joke that came from Cisco and I.

"I thought the whole point was to get him better so he could go home to his family."

"Of course, it was," Wells immediately agreed with me but his attitude remained the same the rest of the week. It wasn't long before Barry came back though in a weirder condition than when he left. He had a super speed, and I mean, running at distances that nobody else could ever dream of reaching. He was the fastest man alive.

"The particle accelerator... It must've done this to you when you were struck by the lightning..." Wells explained, rubbing his temples, seeming frustrated.

After many weeks of research, we figured out that Wells was right. Something about the dark matter that was shot out of the particle accelerator affected Barry and gave him these... superpowers. That was the only logical term I had for it. Superpowers and logic. Never thought I'd use that in the same sentence. And as time went by, we came to find that Barry wasn't the only one affected by the particle accelerator.

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