Team Flash (Cisco's POV)

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"You'll need some way to channel it, control it." Dr. Wells stated.

Yeah, as if it's that simple. Another twenty-four hours had passed by with no luck. Caitlin had done her best to try and figure out how my power thingy works, but it was all mostly in the mind. As in, my mind. I was using my mind to see things; future and present. Maybe even past too? Who knows? Point is, we were trying to use it to pinpoint Professor Stein and Leah's location and we were getting nowhere, it was absolutely frustrating.

I sat in my workshop, working long and hard on the pair of glasses in my sweaty hands. They resembled that of sunglasses except their potential was much cooler. If I could actually get it to work! "Build something to harness your powers in," Wells had suggested. Sure, I'd love to. Except this techy stuff was more of Leah's thing! I built the guns and the machines that don't really rely on human interaction; Leah was better at building things that we could use on people, like all the machines we used to test Barry's powers. She even built his little treadmill toy. And yet, I was here and she wasn't. I did some of my best work WITH her. What makes me think I can do this on my own?

Too distracted wondering how she was doing and what they might have done to her, I clenched my jaw in anger and tossed the glasses across the room. This was pointless. I just found out what I could do the day before, this wasn't going to work.

"What'd those glasses ever do to you?" I heard a voice ask from behind me. I turned my office chair around to face Ronnie as I ran my hands over my frustrated features. His expression went from teasing to sympathetic in just a couple of seconds. "We're going to find them."

"Yeah, well, I seem to be the only way to do that and yet, I got nothing," I snapped. I was so tired. Why didn't anyone understand my frustration? It wasn't until he frowned that I realized that I was taking it out on him. I didn't want that. He was suffering just as much, maybe even more. Leah was his twin, my girlfriend. You can't really measure the pain to figure out who is suffering more though, can you? Feeling guilty, I immediately took it back, "Sorry. I don't mean to snap at you."

Ronnie shook his head, taking a seat across from me, sitting on it with his legs on either side of the chair and his elbows rested on the back of the chair. "It's okay, I understand. It's a lot of pressure."

I shook my head. "If this is what it's like to be a hero... I don't want it. I never did. Don't get me wrong, I like helping people, but I like doing the "behind the scenes" stuff like building things that could be useful to Barry. I don't want the pressure of being the only one that can save someone, because what if I can't? What if I can't find them, then what?"

"You will!" He stood up and picked up the glasses that had fallen to the floor. He held them out to me, "You've got this, Cisco."

I sighed and reached for the glasses, accidentally touching his hand as I did.

Suddenly, my surroundings turned blue and Ronnie no longer stood in front of me. I stood in the middle of what looked like a large abandoned warehouse. There were crates of boxes everywhere and as I turned around, there were two figures sitting in chairs. I quickly ran forward to see Professor Stein and Leah tied down by their wrist and ankles to hard, metal chairs. They sat facing each other and as Stein struggled in his restraints, Leah had her head down, chin pressed to her chest. I tried to reach out and lift her head to see if she was still living, but my hand went right through her.

Right, I'm not actually here.... This power really sucks right now!

"Leah!" Stein called out, tugging hard on the metal clasp around his wrist but getting nowhere. "Leah."

"Relax." My heart fluttered at the sound of her voice and I longed to hold her in my arms. She lifted her head and a sudden lump lodged itself into my throat. Her bottom lip was busted open and bleeding, she had one black eye, and blood was dripping from the side of her head. God, Leah... What are they doing to you?! "The others will save us," she spoke right through my invisible self, staring ahead at Professor Stein.

"And if they don't get here in time?"

Suddenly, my surroundings shifted and I was standing outside of the building for just a split second. The number thirty-seven was printed large against the gray stone wall.

"Cisco!" And then I was back in my workroom with Ronnie. I set the glasses on the table and stood up. "Cisco, what happened? What did you see?"

"They're at one of the military bases!" I called out as I headed for the cortex.

When getting there, I moved Wells off the computer, ignoring his complaints.

"Cisco, what is it?" Caitlin asked as her and Barry stepped forward.

"I saw it," I told them as I pulled up the thirty-seventh military base in Central City. "There. Thirty-seven. I saw the number in one of my... Visions."

Barry quickly changed into his suit. Oliver, who was already in his hood, lifted his hood to cover his face. "Alright, let's go."

"I'm coming with you guys." We all turned to Bette who just stepped into the room with Ronnie. "I heard everything. I want in."

"Me too," Ronnie said.

"It could be dangerous," Caitlin pointed out.

Bette smiled and shook her head, "I'M dangerous, remember?"

Ronnie sighed, "She's my sister... And the professor..."

Wells nodded. "Fine. But you guys stick together, alright?"

Barry then turned to me. "So... What's the plan?"

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