Happy Birthday Dante (Leah's POV)

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I spent the rest of that night, sitting on the couch with Ronnie and Caitlin and drinking more wine. Caitlin continued to give me a knowing look and I spent hours praying she wouldn't bring the Cisco-thing up in front of Ronnie. Ronnie hated it when I dated Drew, he immediately went into protective-brother mode. I just got him back, though; I wasn't ready to deal with that drama yet. Luckily for me, she didn't say anything. I went to bed that night with a fuzzy mind from all the wine I had and a text message from Cisco.

Cisco: Sweet dreams.

Short and sweet. I forgot to reply back, though. I was so exhausted. I definitely fell asleep with a smile on my face, however. But Cisco wasn't there that night, so my nightmares were.

"Leah," I turned my head to see Ronnie standing in the middle of a busy highway. What was he doing?! He was going to get hit by a car! I watched as several of the cars swerved past him, causing car accidents all around him. I threw my hands up to cover my ears, but I could still hear the pop of car after car, hitting each other and making a mess all around. "Leah, you did it. You did this."

"Did what?! Ronnie, get out of the way! I just got you back!"

I squealed and turned my head to see a car just barely miss me. That's when I noticed I was also standing in the middle of the highway, just on the other side. My heart was racing and my mind told me to move, but my legs wouldn't follow suit. I felt glued to the ground. I turned my head back to shout at Ronnie and tell him to move again, but the words died down in my throat.

It was no longer Ronnie who stood on the opposite side of the intersection. It was Cisco. His eyes were lifeless as he stared at me and I forgot how to breathe when I saw the blood running down the side of his head.

"It was you, Leah." He choked out, blood seeping out from the corner of his mouth. "Why did you do it?"

"D-do what? I don't understand!" But before I could get an answer, I watched as Cisco got hit by a white STAR Labs van. His body jerked to the side as he went flying down the road and he skidded on his side, rolling a few times before coming to a complete halt. His head rolled and his eyes met mine one more time before he took one last breath.

"CISCO!" I turned as I felt a pair of headlights blind me for a second. I blinked a few times to see the white van had turned to face me. I focused on the driver seat to see who ran Cisco over. Why would they do this to us?!

No one was in the driver seat. Because it was me. I had done it.

I woke up with a start, sitting up quickly to observe my surroundings. I was still in my bedroom and everything was normal, except my heart rate was double that of a normal rate, and I was drenched in a layer of cold sweat. I had a nightmare... That's all it was. I could remember seeing Ronnie and Cisco in it, and that something awful had happened to Cisco, but besides that, I couldn't remember anything. Maybe that was for the best.

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