Rescue Mission (Leah's POV)

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The beginning was much of a blur. I had spent most of that morning being beaten as they asked me questions like "where does Ronnie Raymond live?" or "how did he develop his power?" or even better, "how do we get him to join our side?" But that was just it; Ronnie would never join their side. Even if they threatened to kill me, he wouldn't do it, because he isn't stupid. He'd never let them use him like that.

Not long after a few hits to the face, there was a loud beeping noise that echoed all along the warehouse and then a quick breeze of air rushed past Professor Stein and me. My hair was caught in my face before I could see what happened but then I felt someone brush it aside for me and I was more than thrilled to see The Flash bent down in front of me, grinning.

"Good to see you again," he chuckled.

"Took you forever to get here," I teased.

As he worked on untying my bindings, he gave me an apologetic smile, "Sorry, we got a little caught up... A lot has changed, recently."

I rubbed my wrist once they were free. "I'd love to hear about it. Back at STAR Labs."

That's when the door behind us busted open. "Untie Professor Stein," Barry told me. "I'll be back." And with that, he knocked the others out and then disappeared.

As I released Professor Stein from his chair and helped him up, the alarm quickly went out. Somehow, I just knew that had something to do with Cisco.

"He probably should've done that BEFORE it went off..." Professor Stein mumbled, wiping his glasses off with the hem of his sweater which was covered in dry blood; his and mine.

The long double doors opened again as Bette made her way over to us. "Oh, good, Barry already untied you guys.... Uh..." She was frantically looking around the room, anxiously looking for something. "Well... I'd say let's get out of here, but it's a mess out there..."

"What's going on?" Stein asked.

"Uh... They shot Barry with something and his speed is lacking... Cisco and Ronnie are shooting guns... And I should be out there helping but they told me to get you guys out of here and yet, I'm not sure how to."

"Where is Oliver?" Stein asked.

"Dealing with everything outside. Caitlin and Felicity are on the coms back at the lab."

I nodded, "Relax... Maybe we can sneak around the fight scene and go out the backway? They weren't too smart when they dragged us here without completely knocking us out or blindfolding us and I saw which way they brought us in. We might be able to get out that way."

She looked a little relieved as I told her my idea, "Alright then. We'll follow you."

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