Merry Christmas (Leah's POV)

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HEY YO! Sexual content implied below! Skip the next 15 paragraphs if you arent comfortable with it! Not complete smut, but definitely implied. 


Christmas Eve came quickly. The busy last minute shopping and decorating was all done the night before and all of my furniture was finally set in my new place. Cisco had even helped me set up my little Christmas tree by my plush couch. Luckily for me, the apartment also wasn't too far from Cisco's place. Although I had my new place all set up and pretty, I had spent that night at Cisco's, making up for lost time.

We were discussing what we got for everyone when Cisco asked what I got him. "I'm not telling you!" That resulted in a tickle war to try and get the answer out of me, of course; but I was persistent and insisted on not telling. When that didn't work, his kisses found other ways to tease me. I giggled as he pulled me onto his lap; the only sound was the smack of his lips against my lips and skin and the whispering of voices on the forgotten television.

I bit down on my bottom lip as he continued his way down my neck. Tilting my head back slightly and closing my eyes, I mumbled, "This isn't fair."

He chuckled against my neck and it tickled. His lips found my pulse and I bit down on my tongue to keep from making any noise as he gently grazed my skin with his teeth. "I just wanted to know what the present was," he pointed out to defend himself, "This could've been prevented if you had just told me what it was!"

I laughed as he maneuvered to lay me on the couch and position himself over me, careful not to crush me. His teeth grazed my earlobe and my body shivered at its own accord. I could feel his warm breath against my ear and his heart beating rapidly against my chest, matching the pace of my own heart. I ran my hands through his hair as his lips traveled even farther. It wasn't until he found a sensitive spot above my collarbone that I let out the moan I had been trying to hold in. My eyes widen and I held my breath as I felt Cisco freeze up. Dammit. I had never actually done that before, I was usually really good at keeping my noises to myself because I wasn't sure if it would make it weird. Fuck, fuck, fuck, so made it weird. Good going, Leah. It was agony to lie there and wait for a reaction from him.

And it was shocking to receive quite the opposite reaction that I was expecting. His arms were around me, holding me as close and tight as possible, and his lips were hard on mine. Kissing me with passion I never even knew he had. My heart skipped a beat when I ran a hand through his hair and held onto his curls, and he made his own satisfied noise. But too soon, he let go completely and sat up. Confused, I lay there, struggling to catch my breath.

I heard him mutter, "Dammit," under his breath as he turned his head to look anywhere but at me.

I propped myself up on my elbows feeling a bit concerned. Did I do something wrong?

"Cisco?" I called out to get his attention. He kept his distance from me and ran a hand along his face. "Cisco, what is it?" Without thinking, I straddled his waist and it wasn't until I came into contact with what he was so flustered about that I began blushing too.

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