Here's To The Past (Ronnie's POV)

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Four days. It had taken her four days before she reopened her eyes. In that time, everyone knew about the explosion at the military base thanks to social media. Bette San Sous was not supposed to get shot that night. None of us knew that her body would react the way it did when she died. With the help of Oliver, we managed to get the injured Barry and unconscious Leah out before the building exploded together. I'm not sure if I'm content with knowing that General Eiling got out as well. I'm not a killer, so I guess I'm glad he didn't die? But after what he did to my sister, when he does die, he can go to hell for all I care.

Cisco, Caitlin, Wells, and I watched him on the flat screen one day. He was using his time to reassure the city that "nothing was going on." He lied to the people by saying that it was merely an experiment gone wrong and everyone had gotten out that day. The two guards who were announced dead and buried the next day died from "other causes."

"He can't get away with that, can he?" Caitlin asked.

"He already has." Wells pointed out, turning off the television.

I spent every hour I could by Leah's side after that. Caitlin said she had a severe concussion from what she could tell and it was only up to time now to see if Leah would wake up or not. I don't remember the last time I ever tried praying or wishing for anything since I met Caitlin and everything just seemed perfect, but I did a lot of both she told me this. My sister had to wake up. She just had to.

I did a lot of thinking during that time. Is this how she felt when I was running around the streets as Firestorm? Did she feel as sick and worried as I do now?

"She'll come back to us," Stein reassured me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. I couldn't stand the old man at first, but I have to admit, he's kind of grown on me lately.

After Stein left, Cisco came in. They spent the whole night taking shifts and sitting next to me. Barry even came in once. He looked like shit. Whatever they had shot him with had taken his speed and it had taken a toll on him physically and mentally. Caitlin couldn't find anything to suggest that he lost it, though; his molecular state still suggested that his body healed way too quickly than normal. She then suggested that maybe he only THOUGHT he lost it. Cisco called it "the yips." I figured he just felt too guilty about what happened with Bette. He came in and sat with me for two minutes, constantly glancing at Leah and opening his mouth as if he meant to say something, and then he got up and left me to sit with Leah alone.

Cisco came in constantly, though. If he wasn't taking a break to eat or use the restroom, or to even get an hour or two of sleep, then he was in the room with me. And we were silent. I'd look up and we would make eye contact every now and then, just to give each other a hopeful smile and look away. Cisco once told me that Barry was in a coma before he woke with the speed force. He was gone for nine months.

I was praying and wishing she'd wake up sooner. We don't have nine months.

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