The General, Nightmares, etc. (Leah's POV)

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I felt like a robot with all the wires Caitlin had attached to me. There were some taped to the back of my hands, some on my forehead against my temples, I even had some snaked up my shirt to press against my chest. They were cold like icicles and I flinched at each one Caitlin put on me.

Ronnie stood not too far from us, watching the two of us as Caitlin coaxed me into each knew monitor. He snickered at me, "Oh, quit complaining." He had his large arms folded across his chest.

"Shut up." I was sitting on that familiar hospital bed again, with my feet dangling off the edge, and letting Caitlin do whatever it is she had to do.

"You know, Professor Stein and I have already done this--."

"Again, shut up." He continued to laugh as he turned around to avoid the sight of Caitlin taping holter monitors to my chest.

Except Barry walked in at that moment with a clipboard in hand, his eyes focused on whatever it was he had on that paper, "Caitlin, look at this--." He peered up and his eyes quickly caught Caitlin's arm up my shirt. Probably looks weird when someone walks in, oblivious to what is going on... "You know... I don't know if this is a turn-on or..."

I reached over to grab the pillow off the hospital bed and I chucked it at him as Caitlin and Ronnie sternly told him to get out. He said something about how my training was doing well before speeding out of the room, the pillow just barely missing him and flying across the other side of the room at the impact of his velocity.

It had been two weeks since I found out I was a metahuman and things were just getting started. Caitlin had promised that we'd have this all figured out before Christmas, but with Christmas being only a week away, I wasn't too sure she even believed that. I didn't complain TOO MUCH, though. The more I knew about what I could do, the more chance I have to control it before it causes anymore harm.

It didn't take long for me to figure out how controlling the lighting works. Before we knew it, I was easily turning the ceiling lights and the desk lights on and off whenever I wanted. Controlling other electronic devices was a bit harder; turning televisions or computers on and off usually resulted in them exploding before my eyes. Sometimes I would get lucky, like if I was at Cisco's place and I was able to turn the t.v. on easily, and Cisco and I would settle down on the couch and watch a couple of episodes. Time goes by and I get sleepy; Cisco would ask me to turn off the t.v. if I was going to take a nap, but my exhausted mind would fail me and it resulted in Cisco having to buy a new television twice, and fix the one he already had too many times to count.

The one thing we couldn't figure out though was what was going on when I touched certain technical devices. I had that fallout with the computer the morning of Dante's birthday, but what had happened that day was never solved. And now, the incident was becoming more of a problem. I couldn't touch a computer or a cellphone without those green letters and numbers charging at me again. It was quite terrifying and it was the worst part of training.

"Okay, Leah, now I'm going to have you focus on this, alright?" She placed a laptop in front of me as usual, perched on a table. "Focus your mind on what you want from it,"

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