Here's To The Future (Cisco and Leah's POV)

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Author's Note: HEY YOU LOVELY READERS! Well, this is it! The very last chapter; it is done in Leah AND Cisco's POV.

I just wanted to stop by and say thank you thank you thank you for reading! I've loved every minute of making this and everyone who's been reading it on here and on tumblr has made it so worth it! <3 you guys are the best and I hope you all enjoy the ending! 


Cisco hated the idea, hated the plan. He never actually said it, but I knew he did. Every time it was mentioned, he'd tense up and space out. Whenever we were packing, he'd go quiet until neither of us were talking. I was afraid the whole ordeal would make us drift apart before I even left, but if anything, we got closer within that last week. I stayed in the hospital bed during News Years, but that didn't stop Cisco and I from sharing our New Year's kiss. The next day, I was on my feet and moving again. Tuesday, we had just started packing. Wednesday, neither Cisco nor I got out of bed once. Every time I tried to get up, his lips were on mine, convincing me to stay put. We whispered "I love you" too many times to count that night, and I held onto him as if something was going to yank me out of bed and away from him forever.

He rested his head on my chest while I played with his hair. "Do you remember when I slept over the first time?" He asked.

"You mean, before I came back to STAR Labs?" He nodded his head, his dark hair brushing slightly against my chin. "Yes."

"Back then..." He hesitated before asking, "Did you ever imagine we'd be here?"

Here, lying in bed and tangled up with one another. In love so much that it hurts.

"At that time? No." I admitted. "What about you?"

He chuckled, "I've always thought you were too good for me, especially back then, before I found out you like me."

I trailed my fingers from his hair to his bare back, rubbing circles on his skin. "I love you."

I could almost hear the smile in his voice, "I love you too."

Thursday night, we got into a huge fight. He was yelling and begging me not to leave. I told him I had to go.

"I won't let you!" He screamed at me. We both had tears streaming down our face.

"I'm not asking your permission! I'm leaving!" And I went into my room and slammed the door shut.

I sobbed for an hour or two on my own before he climbed in next to me. His arms were there to hold me tight, and his words spoke apologies and words of comfort.

"It doesn't even matter," he whispered. "Because I will see you again. I just know I will."

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