A New Life (Leah's POV)

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"Ronald!" I squealed, releasing Cisco's arm and putting a few feet in between us. "How long have you been standing there?"

He chuckled and shook his head, before walking over and sitting in the chair in front of us. "Long enough..." His face fell then and I my chest felt like it was sinking in on itself at the sight. "Why didn't you guys just tell me?"

I sighed, "Oh, Ronnie." I kneeled down in front of him so he would look me in the eyes. "I just got you back. And you know your opinion means much to me... I was afraid this was going to be like when you found out about me and Drew..."

Ronnie looked surprised for a second, but it was fleeting and disappeared almost as soon as it came. He glanced up at Cisco for a second, probably to avoid my eye contact and I heard Cisco move behind me. I could almost feel the awkwardness between the two of them and I could just picture the sweat running down Cisco's forehead. I didn't need to look at him to know how nervous he was feeling, I was feeling it too.

Then, to my surprise, my brother laughed. And laughed, and laughed, and laughed. I thought for sure he had lost his mind and our news had broken something in that intelligent mind of his as he laughed so hard that his eyes watered. I glanced back at Cisco, very concerned, and his expression mirrored my own.

Finally, Ronnie spoke up, "Gosh, you guys took forever."

The shock of his words could've literally slapped me in the face.

"Wait.... What?"

"I HATED Drew," Ronnie told me.

"I know."

"BUT not because he was dating you. God, no. Leah, I'm your brother, not your dad, you can date whoever you want, and I know that. But I AM your brother. And as your brother, if I think a guy isn't suited for you or doesn't deserve you, I'm going to be hostile towards him!"

My shock was slowly wearing off as everything was fitting together like a little puzzle. "Wait... You mean, the only reason why you hated Drew was not because I liked him, but because I was with him?"

He nodded, "Yeah, that's basically it." He pointed at Cisco. "I've been waiting for this one to step up and get rid of Drew," he exaggeratingly leaned in and loudly whispered so Cisco could also hear, "There's a reason why he's my friend, too. I like this one much more than the last guy."

I had never felt such a rush of relief except for when I got my first hug from Ronnie after he had come back. I could feel it wash over my mind and my heart, and I sighed in relief. I stood up and ran my hands through my hair as I giggled along with Ronnie.

"I just thought you hated the idea of me dating ANYONE, really," I admitted.

He stood up and I had to tilt my head back slightly to see him. Ronnie was about a whole head taller than me, if not two. He patted the top of my head and I closed my eyes, and smiled. He use to do that all the time when we were growing up. It was his little, odd but endearing way of showing affection.

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