Day 1 Holding Hands

545 16 3

Romano's POV
It was a seemingly normal day for me. I was watching TV when I heard a shout "HEY, ROMANO!" The call was one of none other than Spain, who was picking tomatoes from his field.

"What do you want?" Said the bastard that was now walking to the Spaniard and his tomatoes.

"Can you help me with picking the tomatoes?"Feeling rather generous I agreed to help.

Time skip brought to you by tomatoes

As I reached for the next tomato, I felt something on my hand when I grabbed the tomato to pick it. I glanced up and saw the hand of a certain Spanish bastard holding my own. I didn't need a mirror to know that I was as red as the tomato in my hand. When I put the tomato in the basket hanging from my arm Spain adjusted his grip so he was touching only my hand without a tomato keeping me from holding his hand. I was so shocked at the moment, all I could do was stand there grasping the bastard's hand loving every second.

Wow. That was a lot shorter than I thought it would be. Hopefully the next one will be longer.

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