Day 8 Shopping

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Let's assume that the stories are in Romano's POV unless I say that it isn't.

Clickety clack click click. That was the fucking annoying sound of Spain's computer. It's not like I'm not on the computer a lot, but still. The sound was going on forever. Spain has been on that thing for hours. Damn. I am starting to sound like somebody's mother or something.

"Spain, what the hell have you been doing?"

"I'm buying stuff online." Sure. Like I haven't pulled that one before. I checked the the other tabs. Besides Amazon, he had Google and Pandora. He seems clean for now.

"Okay then." I said to the Spaniard.

Click click. Shit. I forgot about the sound. It's so damn annoying.

"Why don't you do your shopping at an actual store."

"Will you come with me?" Spain asked in his childlike innocence.

"Fine, but only because I don't have anything better to do."

*Time Skip brought to you by Gilbird and his awesomeness*

As Spain and I walked into Satan Mart... I mean Wal Mart, I asked what we have to buy.

"Oh, just a few groceries"

He walked over to where the tomatoes are and grabbed a brilliant crimson one.

"For you." Said the Spaniard, holding it out to me. I took it hesitantly.

"Are you sure you want me to have it?" I asked, noticing that it was the only good looking one here.

"It's my money. Can't I do what I want with it?"

I ate the tomato. I'm not going to be all like 'It was the best tomato ever' I'm going to be honest, I've had better. But it's the thought that counts.

*A few days later*

"Hey, Romano! Can you get the package from the porch for me?" Spain yelled from the other room.

"Okay." I yelled back. I got the small box from the porch and brought it to him."

"Now, open it." Ooh. I got a present.

I carefully open the box and pulled out a beautiful, vibrant red, glass tomato. I got that strange feeling you get when you swear you've seen something before but have no idea when you could have seen it.

"Thank you so much. I love it."

Another chapter finished. Since I've been a shitty author and haven't updated in a while, I'll update double time. Idk. Since end of course exams are coming up, teachers are reteaching stuff they have already taught, my lucky self gets to drown in my own homework, along with exam studying.

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