Day 26 Getting Married

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It was a normal fucking day, that's probably gonna be far from normal since every day I say that, something far from normal. Everyday that I say is normal becomes jinxed by me. So what if I said it was a weird day? Would it be normal? I don't know, all I really know is that the day is normal so far and that's likely to change.

So anyways, I was eating my Cheerios like I do every other god damned morning. Spain was looking at me weirdly for some reason, like he was waiting for something really important but I have no idea what big decisions could be in my cereal. Without noticing how much cereal was on my spoon, I chewed them it in the same old fashion, but this time I bit into something hard. I immediately spit out my food wondering what the fuck I could have bitten.

That's when I noticed it. What was now floating in my milk was a beautiful golden ring with the prettiest diamond carefully placed on top of a number of smaller ones that were all beautifully engraved in the golden ring.

"So, Romano. Will you make me the happiest man to ever exist, and marry me?" Spain asked, kneeling down on one knee, with the slightest amount of nervousness in his voice.

"Of course I'll marry you. I love you so fucking much, you bastard." I squealed this out like a pig who had found a field full of mud and never ending food . That would be an underestimate though.

I'm sorry, but I'm ending this chapter here due to my general stupidity on the topic of marriage. The closest thing to marriage I'll be having anytime until I'm dead is my undying love for my tablet and crappy laptop.

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