Day 14 Gender Swapped

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This, my young ones, is yuri. This story won't have any mature content, but with my ideas that's sorta hard to keep it like that.

I woke up one morning and had to pee. As I walked to use the bathroom, something was different at the moment I was to tired to look for whatever was different.

When I looked down to pee, I noticed 2 lumps blocking my vision from everything else down there. What the fuck? Am I getting so fat, that I'm growing man boobs?

That's when I realized it. Yesterday England attempted to cast a spell on basket of tomatoes. Since nothing seemed to happen, he gave them to Spain who shared them with me. That spell must have made me a girl. At least I look good, even as a female.

Well I still had to pee, so I had the weirdest experience and sat down on the toilet, and peed. Sitting on the toilet gives you time to think. I also realized that if I was a girl, that means that Spain is a girl too.

I want to see the sexy Spaniard. Just in case I was a girl and Spain wasn't, I tucked my now long hair in my baggy shirt to hide my newly developed chest.

"Hey, Spain. You there?" I asked, knocking on the door to Spain's room, trying to sound like my male self, but yet failing.

"Uhh, yeah. What do you need?" Spain answered. I could tell that he was trying to sound like a man, failing like I did.

"Okay, good. I'm not the only damn one." I said in relief, returning to my natural female voice. As I said this Spain opened the door, and I sat on the edge of his bed with him.

"Yeah, good. I think it was those tomatoes we got from England yesterday."

"Well, no shit."

"Should we see if he can turn us back into men?"

"No. He's going to fail on some reverse spell, and might turn us into bugs or some other shit."

"Oh, Romano. So pessimistic. There's always the chance that he could do something right. Besides, maybe Norway or Romania could do something."

"Fine. But only because I don't like sitting down while peeing."

*Time skip brought to you by the yuri that I am only writing this once*

Spain knocked on the door of England's house. What is he going to think, seeing that we're women.

"Hi there, you know the tomatoes you gave us yesterday. I think they turned us into girls. Is there any way you can fix this situation?" Spain said in a business lady type of voice.

"I can't do anything about it ma'am. That particular type of spell wares off over time." England said, trying to match Spain's hospitality. I had to do something.

"How much time, bushy browed bastard!?" I yelled out.

"Heh heh... about a month or two." England said nervously, as if trying not to get injured. Like that can happen. Although I am a girl now, I should still have the ability to beat the shit out of people.

I was right I left the bushy eyebrows with a bloody nose and 2 broken limbs. Unfortunately due to country healing powers, he was fully recovered by the time I was a man again.

That was shit. But don't let that keep you reading more of what I post. I am really stressed and anxious for my final exam that's in less than twelve hours from the time I am writing this. Tomorrow should be better.

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