Day 30 Doing Something Hot

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This isn't going to exactly be very hot. There's something hot at the beginning, but then I wanted to write down an idea that I thought of, so this isn't really fluff if that's what you're looking for.

I was sitting on the couch one day doing my own thing. I had found a really good book and I don't want to put it down. This rarely ever happens but it's happening now. Spain walked into the room and slid my shirt off without the slightest warning.

"Hey! What the fuck? You could've told me or asked before you did that?" I angrily yelled out. I didn't mind him taking my shirt off or being shirtless but he shouldn't have done it so suddenly. I mean really.

"Where's the fun in that? It's adorable when you yell at me like that." Spain said in a lighthearted, joking manner.

"Ughhh. I wanna kill you sometimes. You know that?"

"So anyways, whatcha reading?" Spain said, trying to change the subject.


"Tell me what you're reading right now."

"Fine, I found it on my computer. It's a story called 'Auf Wiedersehen Sweetheart'."

"Let me see that for just a second."

"Fine, you asshole." Spain glanced at the laptop that was placed in front of me and read a few sentences.

"Don't you think that these names are a little familiar to you"

"No, not really. Are they supposed to be?"

"Don't you remember the human names that we were given."

I have never bothered to remember any of them, not even my own. That's when I ran into my office and looked at the paper my boss gave me a long time ago with the human names of all the contries on it. It's awful. Veneziano is Feliciano, and Germany is Ludwig. I kept looking through the names when I found my favorite character, Lovino. It all makes sense, Lovino is me and Antonio is Spain.

"Holy shit. Spain, what the living fuck?"

"You never learned our human names? Wow."

"Well Veneziano solves all of our country problems, so I didn't think it was really important for me to learn this."

"Wow, just wow. I really thought you would've at least known your own or mine."

"Why are we in this book anyways?"

"The world may never know for sure."

As I said before, no fluff. Keep in mind that Romano was shirtless for most of this and everything seems that much weirder. If you haven't read Auf Wiedersehen Sweetheart, I suggest that you should unless you're one of those people who don't ship GerIta which is acceptable.

On another note, My Book of Hetalia Stuff is officially out right after I write this chapter. Is it just my computer or is the font different in this paragraph?

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