Day 24 Making Up

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Okay my little scones, should I follow the directions and write what the title tells me to or not? I don't know. Now where was I?

Spain has compared me for the last time. I'm going to stay with France until I find a better place to stay that doesn't have that tomato bastard. If that Spanish asshole wants my northern half so much, he can just go and take him.

"WAIT! COME BACK! I DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING I SAID!" I turned around, startled by the loud shout coming from behind me. It was Spain. Doesn't he understand that I don't want to talk. 

"No. Get away from me." I said loudly so Spain could hear. I didn't want him to see me in this condition, teary eyed, red faced. I was still ugly due to the sobbing I did after I left the house.

"Make me." He said, running towards me. Stubborn as ever. 

I hid my face within the comfort of my hair since it was just long enough, hoping I wouldn't be seen since I still had post crying ugliness. He took his gentle hand and moved it out of my face.

"Don't look at me. I still hate you. Fuck off." I said doing everything I could do to get him away from me without resorting to physical violence. Can't that bitch take a goddamn hint? But  him being the oblivious dumb ass that he is he only came closer and insisted on holding me.

"Why wouldn't I want to look at you? You're beautiful no matter how much sobbing you do." Spain said in a delicate tone.

"Go the hell away. I know that you don't mean anything that comes out of that disgusting mouth of yours" I said desperately wanting to be alone. No matter how hard I push him away, he always seems to come back.

"What makes you think I'm lying about any of this?" Spain said in slight shock.

"Isn't it obvious. Everyone sees me as the not nearly as fucking good half of Italy. Why should you be any different from everyone else?"

"Because, I love you. If I loved him, I would've taken him long before Germany even met him." Spain said softly. 

This was enough to make me forgive him. At this point I was staring into his green glimmering eyes that seemed to stare straight into my soul in the most loving way possible.

"Fine, I'll forgive you. But if you give me a good and valid reason to leave, don't doubt that I will." I said in a cautious manner.

"It's a deal then. Come on, let's return home."

"Thank god, I wasn't looking forwards to staying with France." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" Spain said almost teasingly.

"Nothing, nothing at all."

"What do you have against France?"

"Nothing, keep that bastard away from me."

Alright I finished that one. What will I write tomorrow? * looks at the thing in the intro* Tomorrow the happy Spamano couple will be gazing into each others eyes. It's kinda late for that now. Oh well. Ughhhh. I told my dad that I would do the dishes once I was done 'doing what you're doing' and I finished the chapter but I don't wanna do the dishes today.

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