Day 25 Gazing Into Each Others Eyes

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Although they're adults, this may as well be a middle/ high school drama AU.

The pile of spaghetti on my plate doesn't seem to be getting any smaller. Don't get me wrong or anything, I love the spaghetti and everything, especially since Spain made it, but I'm just not hungry. I wanted so much more from Spain than a plate of noodles. Doesn't that bastard get that I have feelings for him.

I wanted so much for him to hold me, or to stroke my hair. It seems fucking retarded, I know, but he gives me a feeling of happiness when he's nearby.

I wasn't eating much since I had let it slip to Veneziano that I liked Spain. Anyone who knows his name knows, he couldn't keep a secret to save his life. I have a bad feeling, that Spain knows the secret that I have kept to myself for what seems like forever. Fuck the universe right now.

Spain started looking at me with the slightest trace of a smirk on his face. I want him to stop this shit.

"That's it! Veneziano told you everything, didn't he?" I said wanting Spain to stop this madness.

"Told me what? I really don't know what you're talking about." Spain said sounding utterly confused as to what I was referring to.

"Wait, he didn't tell you anything?" I said in confusion. The one time he keeps a secret.

"No. What would he have told me?" Oh, fuck no. He's on to me now.

"Uhh... Nothing, nothing at all. What were you smirking about earlier?" I responded, trying to change the subject.

"Plans for the next Bad Touch Trio meeting. Now what would your brother have told me?"

"Nothing." I said. I could hear myself say this, and I sounded so fake it isn't even funny.

"Romano, if you don't tell me, I can just call Veneziano right now." said the Spaniard in a firm, commanding voice.

"Ugh fine, bastard. I think I might be gay for you. Okay, asshole?"

"Oh, that's it? I thought it was something way worse. This is old news to me."

"Wait, what? I thought my brother didn't tell you anything."

"He didn't. It was just that obvious."

"You are fucking kidding me, aren't you?"

"Nope, not at all. But what if I told you, that I like you in the same way you like me?"

At this point we were staring into each others eyes but, I was still so shocked to hear these words come from his mouth. I thought for sure he would reject me. I could feel my face turn redder by the second. I am not rejected yet. Now for the real test to make sure he wasn't messing with me.

"Will you go out with me?" I said this, with my face being darker and redder than the blood in my veins.

"Of course I would go out with you. I was smirking earlier because I was going to ask you out while Prussia and France would be watching me, giving me moral support and stuff."

Here I was, standing here observing the emeralds that he calls eyes. They were so beautiful, shimmering and sparkling all at once, prettier than anything anyone has ever imagined and this man had them naturally in his face. Now I can officially say that I wasn't rejected.

Sorry if the chapter sucks. My best friend developed a case of leukemia and she isn't near as worried as I am for her personal health. So yeah, I haven't been the happiest little scone recently but I'll try not to keep that from my best writing. Who knows? I might write better when I'm not feeling my best. I don't like talking about this so I won't mention it in any other chapters.


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