Day 2 Cuddling Somewhere

471 14 1

Spain's POV

I was walking back to the house from a long day of picking tomatoes for Romano when I saw him sleeping on the couch. I know it's crazy but he was so cute I couldn't help but join him on the couch.

I soon had him in my arms. One arm was wrapped around him, the hand on the other was softly stroking his hair. I was being very careful not to touch the curl on his head. I once accidentally touched his curl and he threw a fit.

Romano had woken up and noticing me and he mumbled "What are you doing here?" Almost out of instinct I replied with "Oh, sorry Roma. I'll let you finish your nap in peace." I climbed off the couch and walked away trying to hide my disappointment when I felt a hand take my own.

"Wait, don't leave, stay .... I mean, you don't have to go."

"Really? Thanks a lot." I said while climbing back onto the couch.

After that we cuddled on the couch, then we ate the tomatoes that I picked earlier that day.

(A/N) Ugh. Another really short chapter. I promise the next chapter will be longer.

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