Day 12 Making Out

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Yeah... I've never written anything related to making out psssh never. I don't know what's up with these unnecessary authors notes before and after the chapter. Oh well, get used to it.

There was nothing special today. I was reading on the couch, and Spain was just sitting there. He looked like he was thinking about something.

"Say hypothetically, if I just said that I wanted to make out with you, what would you do. Hypothetically, that is." Spain asked out of nowhere. Sure, hypothetically.

"Well, hypothetically I would make out with you. But since this is so hypothetical, I guess we'll just continue what we were doing." I responded. I am so mean, aren't I. That's what he gets, for all of those times he teased me like that.

"Well guess what? What if I wasn't being hypothetical." Said the Spanish bastard in a rather seductive tone. Oh, right when I thought I was being mean to him. Anyways, yay, make out session.

"What are you waiting for then? Let's make out."

Right when I finished those couple of sentences, he sunk his lips into my own. The first kiss of the session, it wasn't just hungry, it was gluttonous. After a few seconds I was sunk into the kiss. It didn't take long before I was in Spain's arms. Our tongues fought for dominance, although I was sure it was no use. He quickly won. Each kiss brought a new wave of pleasure over me. Before long I felt Spain's hand exploring my backside. As I felt his hand touch my lower back I let out a small moan. He seemed so happy because of that small moan, the hand  traveled down to my ass, and grabbed it. Because of that, I let a larger moan escape from my lips.

I had to break away, I needed air. That didn't keep Spain's hand out of my shirt so we were just laying in the position we were in. It was perfect.

"Hey! The awesome me has to say something."

Prussia has barged in, being the bastard he is. Is it just me, or do people like to walk in on me and the Spaniard whenever we kiss and shit.

"Hey, potato bastard #2! Ever heard of knocking?" I shouted angrily.

"What? I thought the next meeting for the Bad Touch Trio was here, right now." Prussia said in a confused tone.

"I could've sworn it didn't start until- oh." Spain said glancing at the clock.

We were still in the same position as before when France entered the room.

"Ooh~ what do we have here." Said the Frenchman with a smirk plastered to his face.

"Why don't any of you assholes knock before entering someone's house?!"  I yelled at everyone in the room that I didn't love.... I mean... nothing.

"What, the door was open so I thought I could come in." The Prussian bastard responded. I quickly realized who left the door open in the first place.

"You. You left the door open and these bastards thought they could come in without knocking. Because of you." I said, slowly standing up and grabbing the Spaniard by his shirt.

"Heh. It's a funny story really." Spain said, trying to use the voice of innocence but failing hard. Since I had control of him, I decided to do the unexpected. I kinda sorta, kissed him really hard.

I bet you didn't see that coming. I didn't either. I thought of the ending when Prussia said the door was open when he got there. This was supposed to end right when Prussia barged in but I came up with ideas and wrote them.

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