Day 16 Morning Rituals

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I wake up in the morning, wearing only my underwear usually around 8- 8:30. After I am awake, I stretch myself out. If I don't stretch every morning, I become more moody than me, if I was a teenage girl. Nobody wants to see that.

When I finish stretching, I go to the bathroom and do my business. Once that's done, I go to my closet that usually has my clothes, and get dressed.

That's when I go downstairs and get breakfast, usually it's the same old Cheerios. Occasionally Spain decides to be nice, and make me scrambled eggs, or pancakes, or something like that. While Spain and I eat, we talk. Sometimes about the past, other times we talk about what we're doing later that day.

Later I go back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair to become less ugly. Brushing your hair with a curl makes things weird. You have to avoid touching the curl at all costs.

Then finally I go into the living room where Spain is, and unless I have something to yell at him about, we sit on the couch together watching the news or whatever else is on.

Sorry for the short chapter. I know it's rushed, but you know how stuff can get.

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