Day 13 Eating Ice Cream

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I apologize for my lack of writing yesterday, I was reading the hat fic for the first time so yeah. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you do so, unless you aren't into yaoi smut. It's on fan and somebody uploaded it to Wattpad. It was beautiful.

Spain's POV

Flashback to a long time ago

I was driving home from a world meeting one cold winter day with Romano in the back seat, when we passed an ice cream shop. Apparently this was new because I have never seen it before today.

"HEY! JERK BASTARD!" Romano screamed, I got startled and almost swerved off the road.

"Yes, Romano" I said calmly, wondering what he was yelling for.

"Can we get some ice cream? Please?" Romano said in a voice that was way too polite and innocent for his personality.

"Maybe when the weather gets warmer, it's cold out right now." I said, hoping he wouldn't explode or something.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I want my ice cream now." I was so startled by the response I swerved on the road. Good thing nobody else was nearby on the road.

"I won't forget your ice cream when the spring arrives."

"Hmmph. Fine, but when I do get ice cream, I'll get as much as I want"

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. It was now spring but I feel as if I'm forgetting something. Whatever it was it must not have been important.

Flashback is now over

I was returning from a world meeting in the passenger seat of Romano's car. I was trying to find something to listen to on the radio. Once I found something good, Romano was driving in the driveway of this really old ice cream shop.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, utterly confused as to why he parked at this really old place to buy ice cream.

"Remember when I was a little kid, and you said that you'd buy me ice cream but it was cold out, so you said you'd get it for me in the spring. That spring has been over for years and years."

It took me a second but I remembered. I remember how adorable he was. Don't get me wrong, he is still the most adorable thing I have ever laid eyes on but he is a different type of adorable.

As Romano ordered one chocolate ice cream cone, I was about to place my order when this happened.

Dude at the ice cream counter: Would you like anything else with your order?

Me: Yes, I'd like-

Romano: Nope, nothing else at all.

We decided to sit at a booth in the corner of the building. I was confused and slightly mad that I didn't get any ice cream. So I decided to say something.

"I'm confused. Why don't I get any?" I say with a layer of confusion coating my voice.

"What are you talking about? I thought you would have caught on by now."

"Caught on what by now."

"We're sharing a cone, dumbass."

"Oh, wow. I feel so stupid."

"What's the holdup? Don't you want any?" Romano was licking the ice cream off the top of the cone while he said this. Who does he think he is? I'm supposed to be the sexy one here.

"Yeah." I responded, taking a bigger lick out of the ice cream.

*Time skip brought to you by the lazy author*

The ice cream was at the point where all of the ice cream was inside of the cone. Our tongues were fighting for the last bit of ice cream. Of course I won, but I decided to be nice and save some for Roma.

I went to the counter to pay for our ice cream.

"Oh, yeah. I was watching you eat. I do that to all of the customers to ensure that you are enjoying your food. Anyways, get a room." The guy at the counter said, as I was paying for our food.

I laughed it off since this type of humor is common around here and I wasn't offended or anything. Romano on the other hand was a dark red, and hid his face in my back.

Nice, a long chapter. Sorry if I made Spain a little on the slow side.

Now to address the issue of Spain and chibi Romano. I for one think that Spain acted fatherly around Romano until he was no longer chibi like. When Romano grew up, Spain was shocked to find out that he'd developed feelings for the man he had raised, but that doesn't stop anything.

Okay then, bye!

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