Day 28 Doing Something Ridiculous

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No feels here. In my head this means that they're doing something a little *cough cough a lot cough on the random side*.

I got up this morning on the couch of my grandpa's house, with a killer headache. I didn't question it though. That's when I noticed Spain on the floor dressed as an old wrinkled hag. He was wearing a plain white shirt but that's where the normalness ends. He was wearing old lady glasses with the string connecting the ends, a pink cardigan, a shoulder length gray wig, and was passed out with a bag of prunes.

That's when I walked into the kitchen and saw the potato bastard, his brother, and my brother all sleeping on the kitchen floor. Both of the potato bastards were covered in glitter. Veneziano was practically swimming in spaghetti noodles. Potato bastard was sleeping on top of my brother getting his sparkles mixed in with the noodles. The other potato bastard was in the corner with who looked like America but not quite. Something was different but I couldn't tell what. New haircut? I don't know.

I opened the fridge to see if there was anything to eat. That's when I saw that Nordic country, Iceland naked inside the fridge.

"You saw absolutely nothing." he said to me as he walked out of the room.

"Absofuckinglutely nothing at all" I said wanting to unsee that image.

On second thought, I'm not hungry anymore. I continued through the house seeing what else was new.

As I entered the main hallway I heard a strange sound. It sounded like it was coming from the storage room that was a few doors down from where I was. I walked in only to see Sweden and Finland playing naked games on the Ikea table we got weeks ago.

"I'll just get the fuck out of here." I said, excusing myself from the room.

That fucking happened. The same thing happened with America and Japan. Same with Russia and China, luckily though they were asleep. I also found out that MY MOTHERFUCKING HAIR IS GOD DAMN PINK!!! So naturally I am going to kill the shitty cunt who did this to me. Prussia heard my screams of terror and laughed rather nervously.

"I am going to beat the shit out of you, you motherfucking cunt."

"Save me, Birdie" his supposed birdie made a wise decision and left saying "I can't save you now. You're dead now."

That's when France came in the room with England who appeared to be in deep pain while walking.

"Okay~ it looks like we can't stay here for now." France said leaving with England.

As they left he could hear the rest of their conversation.

"Hey, frog. Can we go back to the bedroom?"

"Of course, mon ami. I thought you would never ask.

Now I had my own problems. This Prussian asshole, then I'll fix my pink hair somehow.

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