Day 20 Dancing

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They were dancing at the wedding yesterday. I didn't think I would have to make them dance again. I'm stumped here.

Spain was cleaning the living room while playing music. With him being the happy cheerful soul that he is, he couldn't help but find himself moving his feet and slightly swinging his hips in beat with the music.

Spain wasn't just good at dancing though, he was a dance god. He could dance for hours on end to any song, any type of music, and not make a single mistake whatsoever. I on the other hand danced like a dog once it's owner came home. I want skills like him.

"Hey Spain. Do you think I could dance like you someday?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Probably not quite like me, but I can teach you some of what can be taught." Spain said trying not to let me down.

"Teach me the ways of your skills." I said, wanting to genuinely learn.

"All right, if you insist." Spain said with the slightest of smirks on his face.

Spain reached for his phone and changed the song to something slow and fancy.

"First off, I'll be showing you how to do the waltz."

"Wait, weren't you cleaning."

"I was, now I'm not"

The dance was easy to grasp, but I have a slight problem keeping the rhythm. We worked on that until it just wasn't hard anymore. Then we got into the fancy dips and spins and stuff which was hard.

Time skip brought to you by my happiness that school is almost over even though we have tomorrow and a week

"Wow, that took fucking forever." I said, not complaining or anything, just being rude.

"Yeah it did. What time is it?"

I glanced over to the clock to check the time.

"Oh my god. It's 1 am."

"Wanna keep dancing with me?"

"Only if you teach me how to tango now."

"Deal." Spain agreed without the slightest thought.

I finished all of my finals for the year. I still have school next week while other people are enjoying freedom today. Anyways I want to hear my young ones comment and vote and all that fun stuff. Bye

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