Day 27 On One of Their Birthdays

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WOOOOOO! It's my motherfucking birthday and I'm really excited. Knowing Spain, he'll make sure that it's going to be a day to remember. I haven't woken up yet though. I don't want to get out of bed just yet.

I was soon 'awoken' by Spain coming into my room with a large platter. On that platter was a considerably large amount of food. There were 3 waffles drenched in maple syrup, 2 pieces of toast with some jam, and a bowl of various fruits.

"Romano, get up. I have breakfast for you." Spain softly whispered into my ear. I quickly got up and looked at my assortment of breakfast. My mouth was already watering, just looking at the selection.

"Is all of this for me?" I said in fake confusion.

"All yours. You know what day it is." Spain said in his tender voice.

"You didn't burn down the kitchen, did you?" I asked at the realization that he was using the waffle maker. It's not that I don't trust him or anything, but he gets a little excited at times like this when he does things like this for me.

"Relax, the kitchen is in as good of a condition as it was yesterday, now it's just a bit messier.

Time skip brought to you by Romano's birthday

Sweden invited me and Spain to go to his newest Ikea store today and we took the offer. We got kicked out for cuddling on their fucking beds. It's not like we were naked or anything. I mean really.

Then we walked into our house, Spain before myself. As soon as I threw my jacket on the chair, I was startled by a loud "SURPRISE!"

All of the countries were in my house throwing me a surprise party. America had already eaten half of my cake. I had to slap his face to get him to stop. Sweden didn't look too happy since we got ourselves kicked out of his Ikea.

Today was my last day of school so I could completely relate to Romano's excitement in the beginning of this. Also, yay. This book is almost finished and I'll start my other book either tomorrow or Monday.

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