Day 18 Doing Something Together

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Spain's POV

I feel so accomplished. Starting exactly tomorrow, I have been in a happy relationship with Romano for exactly a whole month. ( A/N I know that they were girls for a month and they were dating before that but go with it) I know it seems weird but I keep track of this stuff. This calls for a celebration. I know just what to do.

Time skip to the next day brought to you by soup forks (They aren't sporks, they're forks for soup that don't exist)

I was up in my room on my computer all night, but I did it. Romano doesn't seem to like the sound of computer keys or the clicking of the mouse and got mad at me. Anyways all that matters is that it's done.

Romano's POV

It was too damn early, and Spain just woke me up for no reason. What the fuck did I have to get up at 6 in the morning for?!

"Hey Romano, get up, get dressed! We have somewhere to be today." Spain said as he was softly poking my face, waking me up.

"Where in the goddamn world are you taking me, you bastard?" I yelled out.

"You'll see, just trust me." said the Spanish bastard in a smooth voice.

After I got myself ready to go, Spain urged me to the car, where I had to put on a blindfold. Since I got up early and the blindfold made everything dark, I took a nap in the car. When I got up Spain was shaking my shoulder, saying "Get up , we're here."

"It's about time, I'm ready to take this blindfold off." I said.

Spain carefully helped me out of the car and put some strange paper on my wrist.

Spain turned me at a specific angle and untied the blindfold. I was looking at the sign for Tommy T's Tomato Park. I've never seen this place before. It's all abandoned except all of the workers.

"I don't get it. Why are we here and where are all of the little brats that are usually here?" I asked out of utter confusion.

"I rented out the whole place for the day. Isn't it great?" Spain said, sounding really excited for this.

"It's not what I had in mind for a normal day."I said still unsure of what we're doing here or why Spain booked the whole damn place.

"There will be nobody here besides us all day that don't work here. The best part is since I booked the place we don't have to pay for tickets." Well, I guess we'd better take advantage of this.

Time skip brought to you by Tommy T and his tomato park

Everything there was basically an amusement park, but tomato based. Rather than spinning teacups, there were spinning tomatoes. There were tomatoes instead of horses in the carousel. Even the carts on the roller coaster were painted bright red.

It was now dark out and red light came from every direction. Spain and I were on the Ferris wheel. As we got closer to the top Spain kept looking at me, adorable as ever. I mean ... nothing.

We were close to the top and Spain stared into my eyes, as I stared into his.

"So, Roma. Do you know why we're here?" the Spaniard asked in a calm, caring way.

"No, I don't, I'm not sure why you would do something so elaborate on a regular day." I responded, trying to match his voice.

"Well today we had been a couple for exactly a month." Spain answered.

As this was said, he grabbed my hand and dove his passionate lips into my own. A small moan of surprise escaped my lips. I soon felt a tender hand exploring through my hair with the limit of a curl. Soon enough our lips were in sync, tongues fighting for dominance. I dramatically lost once again but still worth it. He held me tightly and I was so happy to have someone like him.

Wow. Much fluff. Now just imagine the person writing this has never kissed or been kissed by anyone ever. That image is my reality. I am a lonely child as my username implies. With that being said, I'm not sure how I write all this fluff.

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