The Team (6)

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"... Talking..."

'.... Communicating telepathically...'

"... Talking through communicator(s)..."


~Next Day Serena's POV~

"Diiiiiiiick, give it baaaaaack." I whined, jumping and reaching for my phone that was currently in Dick's out stretched hand. 

"Nope, not until I see what it is you were hiding from me." He grinned mischievously as he unlocked my phone. 

"Diiiiick," I whined, bouncing up and down like a child throwing a tantrum. 'Grr, damn me for being short.' 

"Really?" He looked at me with -.- kind of face when he saw the picture. The picture was of him sleeping with his mouth slightly opened. He fell asleep in history today, and I couldn't help myself from snapping a pic of his cute sleeping face. "I am so deleting this." He said, his thumb hovering above the delete button.

"Nuu, Dick, don't be mean like that, I like that picture." I pouted, wrapping my arms around his waist and looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine, only because you're so cute." He chuckled lightly, handing me back my phone. "Can you give me a massage? I feel really tense." He asked, wrapping his arms around me and rocking me back and forth a bit. 

"Mhmm, go lay down on the couch." I told him, going over to my bag and getting my lotion out. 

"Aw man, are you going to use that on me?" He groaned, plopping down on the couch. 

"Yeah, it makes it easier for me silly." I giggled, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Man, you're gonna make me smell like a girl." He pouted, taking his shirt off. 'Hot damn.' I gulped when I saw his muscles flex from taking his shirt off. 'God those chocolate abs.' I shuddered at the thought of touching them. "Hey, earth to Serena." Dick called out, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly shook my head to clear it a bit before taking the outer piece of my school uniform off, leaving me in my white button up blouse.

Then, I went over to Dick and sat on his butt before putting some lotion in my palm and warming it up. Dick let out a small moan as I massaged his back, it wasn't long until he buried his face into one of the couch pillows, muffling his moans. 'Damn it, Dick, if you keep this up it'll drive me crazy.' I thought, bitting my bottom lip as I continued to massage the knots in his back out. "Damn, Serena, you're amazing." He sighed, turning his head to the side. "Go to the dance with me?" He hummed, lifting his head and looking back at me. 

"Thought you had something amazing planned." I giggled, brushing his bangs out of his face. 

"I was gonna hang the dress in your locker with a note, then when you'd open your locker I'd come up with a bouquet of roses and ask you." He told me with a warm smile that made my hear race.

"Aww, how sweet." I giggled, poking his cheek. 

"Well?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Why would I say no." I chuckled, sticking my tongue out at him. I was about to continue massaging his back, but his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, making me flinch. 

"Who did this?" At first I didn't know what he was referring to, but then I realized that he meant the bruise on my wrist. "Serena," his voice is more stern as he turns his body and sits up. I looked away and racked my brain for lies to feed him. 'Or maybe I should tell him the truth...' I opened my mouth to answer him, but he let go of my wrist. "Never mind, I shouldn't pry, I'm sorry." He apologized.

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