Why (17)

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(Her uncle)

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(Her uncle)

"Tsk tsk, watch your tone with my missy," he playfully scolded me, wagging a finger in the air before jumping down from the tree branch that he was perched on and landing in front of me, "Or I'll bite that tongue off."

I harshly glare at him, "Go to hell."

"Not without you darling." He chuckled, bending down and wrapping his arms around me.

"Get," I roughly shove him off, "Off." I let out a small grunt when he slapped me. I tenderly held my burning cheek as I glared at him. "Go obsess over some other girl. Better yet, go rot in a hole." I spat.

"Now, now, you know I can't rot in a hole." He chuckled, standing up and crossing his arms.

"Just leave me alone, I already found my beloved. Isn't it about time you go find yours?" I hissed, standing up and dusting myself off.

"Perhaps, but I rather have you." He smirked, eyeing me up and down.

"You are so nasty." I scoffed.

"Hey, not where your father and I came from. Angels court each other, we are all created by God, therefore we are all related. Nothing wrong with that." He chuckled.

"That's in heaven, but here on earth it's different. So, go wonder aimlessly about the earth until you find that one person that makes your heart explode with just a single touch. No. A single look. That person that naturally draws you in, and they don't even have to try or do anything. The person you can't take your eyes off of no matter how hard you try or how much you don't want to look at them. That person you always forgive no matter how much they have or will wrong you." Never in my life would I thought I'd say such words.

"Wow, you're really infatuated with this boy aren't you?" My uncle chuckled, uncrossing his arms and sticking them in the pockets of his jacket. "I don't even think your dad was as passionate as you with your mother." His smirk falter slightly.

"Maybe you'd find happiness if you weren't so jealous and lustful." I spat, turning around and walking away.

"The flower's a mile in, behind a waterfall. If it smells like honey and has a bitter hint to it." I stopped in my tracks and looked back at my uncle. I looked at him suspiciously. I mean, moments ago he wanted to snatch me away to be his bride, now he's helping me. Bipolar much? "Believe me or not, that's your choice, but it would take you until night fall at the rate you and that woman are going about. And I'm afraid your little boyfriend won't last til sunset." Would he be lying to me about this? What if it's some trap?

"Why? What's with the 180?" I questioned, narrowing my blue eyes at him.

"I can tell that he is your beloved, I didn't want to accept it, but he is. I thought he was just some human boyfriend that you'd have a thing with and drop later on, but I can see that he is not. If he dies then you die. I already murdered my brother out of jealously, envy, and lust. Your mother died from the loss of her beloved," he pauses for a bit, "In my state I couldn't think clearly or straight, I couldn't see what effect the death of my brother would have on her," he pauses and chuckles, "I was so blinded. I thought that getting rid of my brother would get rid of the problem, that I'd have your mother afterwards," he stops and laughs slightly, "I was so stupid. And here I thought that I could have you... Maybe you're right, maybe I am to jealous and lustful in nature, and that's holding me back from happiness." 

Okay, he's really confusing. I know from what my dad told me that my uncle is a little bit coo coo, but still. "Well, then I suggest you start getting your life together then." I said, turning my head back around. "And... Thanks... I guess." I told him before taking off. 'He better not be lying about this.' I thought as I approached the waterfall. I took in a deep breath, catching a whiff of bitter honey. 'Just like he said.' 

"So, you decide to listen to me." I heard my uncle chuckle. I turn around and saw him perched on a branch.

"You followed?" I scowled.

"I wanted to see if you were going to listen to my words or not." He chuckled, landing next to me.

"Again, why are you helping me?" I asked as I started walking towards the waterfall. 

"You're the only family I have left... My brothers and sisters would not kindly accept me back with open arms..." He said in a low tone.

"Aren't they suppose to be forgiving and such." I chuckled at the irony of that.

"Angels aren't what they write in books. They are just like you and me, only more pure. They fight, they argue, but there are boundaries. Pass the boundaries and you fall from grace." He said, trailing behind me. I swear, I feel like he's gonna jump me any second.

"How did you know that I was here for the flower?" I asked.

"I've been following you since the dock incident. I saw you last night... Your parents would have been proud at your self control." He told me. I don't know how I feel about him stalking me though.

"You act like it's a thing in the family." I scoff.

"It is, both your father and I have slight anger issues. We tend to lose control when we're in the zone." He chuckled. "Besides, I am very familiar with the pollen that the plant woman used on your beloved. It's the same pollen that succubus' use on humans to get them to have sex with them." He told me.

"So, what? You're just gonna help me from now on?" I asked, looking at him skeptically.

"Not always, I can't help you all the time. Only here and there when you need it." He shrugged.

"What really happened?" I asked, referring to how he fell from grace.

"Envy and lust. Both your father and I wanted this angel, but she was courted with another. Needless to say, I bewitched the angel with your father's help, did stuff, and that's how we fell." He said nonchalantly. "I'm guessing your father told me that I did all that and just put some of the blame on him?" He smirked at me.

"Yes." I bluntly replied.

"Well, he did want you to keep away from me..." He mumbled. Sighing, I climbed up the waterfall to reach the cave. Once I reached the inside of the cave, I started plucking away, roots and all. "Oh, you're gonna need thorazin root as well." He informed me.

"What?" I looked at him with a confused face.

"Just follow me." He sighed, leading me out of the cave and deeper into the island. "Just dig up those green and brown flowers over there, roots and all." He said, pointing at a patching of gross looking flowers. I did as he told and shoved the flowers into my sack. "Go home, wash them really good, mash it together, and have him drink it. It takes about half an hour to kick in though, and judging from the sun, you have about four hours left. Buuuuut, it's going to take you about 40 or so minutes to fly back. So, I suggest to find that winged woman, and book it." My uncle told me.

"Where you gonna go?" I asked, looking up at him. 

"Around. Try to find a way to ascend again." He said, unfolding his wings.

"Well, then bye." I waved, unfolding my wings and taking off.


:) I hope I'm not making the chapters to long and boring you guys. I love you guys for sticking with me :) <3 thanks so much for the love and support :D 

Remember! Spread da luv!

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