Graduation (42)

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"Damn, I really can't believe today is the day." I sighed as I helped Alfred with making breakfast. After prom, the next month just flew by, and now it's graduation.

"Time moves by fast Serena." Alfred chuckles as he beats the eggs.

"I just can't believe how fast it went by though... It feels like just yesterday that I walked through those gates, and ran into Dick, and how I had no idea what I wanted for the future. Now, I'm graduating, Dick's my boyfriend, I lead a double life, and I'm headed to college. Man, I just want to be a kid again, things seemed so much easier back then." I chuckled as I cooked the bacon.

"We all wish we could go back to such easy times." Alfred chuckled as he cooked the omelets. "So are you two really set on moving to Blüdhaven?" He asks.

"Yeah, both Dick and I are very set on it." I replied.

"You two are going to be very missed around here." He told me.

"It's gonna be weird not having you guys around." I smiled, already feeling kind of sad.

"Well, you are always welcomed here, and you two better visit us." He said in a fatherly way.

"So, you two ready for graduation tonight?" Bruce asked as we all sat around the table.

"Somewhat." I shrugged, eating my breakfast.

"I'm ready to be done with school." Dick chuckled.

"At least you'll be done with school after tonight, I still got a few years in college." I shot at him, sticking my tongue out at him.

"True, but I have to go to the academy." He remarked.

"Yeah, but it's mostly training, not classes everyday." I told him.

"Eh, either way it's school some what." He shrugged.

"When do you two plan on moving to Blüdhaven?" Bruce asks.

"When ever we can find a place." I answered.

"So right away?" Bruce chuckled.

"No...?" I replied in an unsure voice.

"I already have a place set up for you two there." Bruce replied.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled.

"You don't have to thank me." Bruce replied with a slight smile. "I'll give you two the address of the place tomorrow, and you two can do what ever you please. I also had a cave underneath the house for you two. It's not as big as the Batcave, but it's fairly decent for you two." He added.

"Sweet." Dick grinned, making me roll my eyes.

"You better not pull anything Grayson." Damian grumbled.

"Can't stop me then little man." Dick smirked.

"I will hunt you down, and kill you." Damian threatened, glaring at Dick. I couldn't help myself from giggling at this. I found it cute when ever Damian threatened his brothers, he's never serious about it so I don't have to worry about him actually killing someone.

"Come on you two, let's get you to the last day of school." Alfred said. The two of us sighed, and got up from the table.


"I really can't believe we're graduating today." Artemis sighed as the whole lot of us sat at our lunch table for the last time.

"Well I can, it's about time school is over." Wally grinned.

"So, you two are actually going to Blüdhaven?" Barbara asks.

"Yep," Dick replied with a smile, reaching over and grabbing my hand.

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