Truth and Pain (30)

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"I was wondering when you'd come around." I heard a male voice say as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Huh?" I look up to see that my wrists were bound above me head to a wooden pole, but I caught a glimpse of another pair of hands. I crane my neck to look behind me to see Dick tied up as well. "Who's there?" I questioned as I tried to change my eyes to my vampiric eyes.

"You can stop trying, the spell that I casted on you is still repressing your powers." An oh so familiar voice chuckled as my uncle stepped into the light.

"The hell is going on?" I hissed, tugging at the restraints as I tried to have at him.

"Nothing much, just your normal sacrifice." My uncle said nonchalantly, waving his hand about as he was looking at his spell book.

"Care to elaborate?" I scoffed, tugging at my restraints.

"It's simple, I am sacrificing you and your boyfriend." He sneered.

"I knew something was fishy when you did that 180." I scowled, glaring at him harshly.

"Yet you still decide to trust me." He smirked.

"Why me?" I asked, my eyes never leaving him as he walked around.

"I needed a pure fallen, and their beloved." He answered with an evil smirk.

"Last time I checked, I'm only half." I hissed.

"You're more fallen than vampire, so it should be fine." He waved his hand dismissively.

"So, exactly why are you doing all this shit?" I scoffed.

"Once I sacrifice you two, I'll gain enough power to take heaven down." He chuckled darkly.

"I don't know about you, but that sounds like a load of bull." I sneered.

"Oh? How so?" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"My soul and his," I nod my head towards an unconscious Dick, "Seems like the price is kinda low for that much power."

"It'll give me enough power for a day. That's all I need to unleash hell and take heaven." He smiled insanely.

"You're insane." I snarled.

"That's what your father said as well. Funny because he died right after." Arden laughed crazily as he began drawing some spell circle on the ground.

"Dick," I twisted my hand so that it was facing his, and then I started scratching at his hand, "Wake up." I started scratching harder and harder until it was to the point where he almost bled.

"Ugh, uhm?" I heard him groan as I felt him move a bit. "What the? Where the hell are we?" He asked groggily.

"My uncle's planning on sacrificing us." I told him straight up, and that seemed to have woken him up fully.

"You know, since you're gonna die in a matter of minutes, I might as well tell you the truth about your father and I." He said with a creepy ass smile.

"And how do I know that what comes out your mouth is true?" I spat.

"Well, you're gonna die, might as well tell you." He shrugged, coming over to me and crouching down in front of me. "I really am gonna miss this pretty face of yours." He said softly, stroking my face with the back of his hand. Scowling, I yank my head away. "I didn't get kicked out of heaven for lusting after another angel. I lusted for power. I wanted more. Always more." He chuckled darkly, standing back up and going back to what ever he was doing.

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