Evaluation (7)

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"So what will you be evaluating?" I asked, twirling a lock of my black hair. 

"I will be evaluating your strength and fighting abilities tonight." Batman replied.

"Seems fine to me." I shrugged, stretching my arms a bit. 

"Conner, you're gonna be up against her in a wrestling match." Batman said.

"Umm, I don't think that's be a good idea, should you start off with someone with average strength and work up?" Conner wavered. 

"No, I've seen her in action a few times and I want you to wrestle her." He said, narrowing his eyes at Conner. The two of us stood faced to face in the center of the room, and the holographic floor activated. "First one to knock the other down wins." There was a slight pause before he said, "Go."

Immediately I grabbed his shoulders, and he grabbed mine. I felt him push me, and I pushed back, surprising him with my strength. "Don't take me lightly." I sneered, pushing him back a bit. A smirk spread on Conners face as he pushed back. Soon, the two of us were neck to neck, none of us budged from the other person's push. 'Damn, I can't hold on much longer.' I thought as I felt my strength slowly die down. 

I bit my bottom lip slightly before bending at my waist, using Conner's strength against him and flipping him, making him land flat on his back. A big thud echoed throughout the room when he landed, making me winced slightly. "Sorry." I apologized, holding my hand out for him.

"It's fine, quick thinking though." He smirked, taking my hand. Giving it all I got, I pulled him up. 

"Does that count?" I asked, looking over at Batman who gave me a nod. 

"Alright, Nightwing, you're up." That seem to have taken him by surprise.

"What? You want me to fight against her?" He asked, pointing at me.

"What? Afraid you'd lose birdie?" I chuckled, crossing my arms. 

"What? No, you know what, fine." He walks up to be and stands a few feet away from me with his two escrima sticks out and ready. 

"Telum (Dagger)." I summoned one of my daggers, holding out my right hand, watching as it appeared.

"Try to play nice, you may start." Batman told us.

The two of us circled each other, each waiting for the other to make their move. I twirled my dagger with a smirk plastered on my face as I kept my eyes on my target. 'I should cast an illusion on him to wear him out, then I'll take him down when he doesn't have much energy left in him.' I planned, firmly gripped my dagger. 

Then, Nightwing charged at me, swinging his escrima sticks at me. I quickly unfolded my wings and flew upwards, avoiding the attack. I landed on top of his escrima sticks and held my finger up to my mouth in a shushing motion before I casted an illusion over him. I concealed myself from him, and made him fight an illusion of myself. I stood back and watched as he fought the air, well that's what it looks like to the others.

~Dick's POV~

I watched as she landed on my escrima sticks and made a shushing motion. 'What the heck?' I thought when she disappeared. "Behind you." I heard someone whisper in my ear, making me swing around. Nightmare dodged my attack, and I advanced towards her, swinging my escrima sticks at her and throwing kicks at her. I start to get a little frustrated when I couldn't land a hit on her. Every swing, every kick, she just dodged all of them. 

Then, she giggled, "What's a matter?" I let out a small growl as I continued to attack her. "Now, now, don't let your anger drive you." She taunted, waving her finger in the air. 'What the heck, why isn't she attacking me?' I wondered, stopping and looking at her.

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