Agile (8)

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~Serena's POV~

"Ugh, I still need to get a dress for the dance." I groaned, laying down on the couch, laying my legs on Dick's lap. The two of us are currently at the mansion, hanging out. 

"Wear the one I gave you." Dick said in a 'no duh' tone. 

"I would, but Leeann and my mother took it from me, and they hid it from me." I sighed sadly, reaching out and grabbing Dick's hand, playing with his fingers. I took in a deep breath, taking in Dick's scent, 'He smells so good.'

"Well, why don't you go dress shopping with Artemis later then?" Dick chuckled, wrapping his fingers around my hand.

"Money man." I sighed, sinking further into the couch. 

"Serena, Bruce is my father." Dick said with his eyebrow raised. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "I'll just give you some money." He told me.

"Uh no, I don't think so. Dresses are expensive, and you know how I am about people spending money on me." I told him, waving my finger. 

"Serena, a dress is nothing. Besides, you're my best friend, consider it a gift." He smiled, pulling me so that I was sitting up.

"Dick, a gift is like 20 bucks at most." I chuckled, sticking my tongue out at him.

"I swear, one day, when you stick that tongue of yours out at me, you're gonna find it some where that's not your mouth or the air." Dick smirked, pinching my cheek lightly, making me pout. 'I wouldn't mind sticking it in your mouth.' I thought mischievously.

"All bark and no bite." I taunted, getting up from the couch. 

"I'll deliver, one day." I look back to see Dick smirking at me.

"Ughm." I lightly groaned as I staggered a bit. 

"Hey, you okay?" Dick asked, getting up and grabbing me, steadying me.

"Yeah, just a little light headed, nothing much. It'll pass." I assured him, giving him a small smile.

"Sit down, I'll have Alfred whip up your favorite tea." Dick told me, sitting me back down on the couch.

"No, I gotta go soon, it's fine, I don't want to bother him." I told Dick, rubbing my temples a bit.

"Again?" Dick pouted.

"I'll tell you later, just trust me." I sighed, standing back up.

"Serena, you're worrying me... You've never kept stuff from me before, well, I mean you have, but you seem to be withdrawing from me." Dick said in a sad tone, standing up and placing his hand on my shoulder. 'Yeah, like you're not hiding something from me.' I thought bitterly, shrugging his hand off. 

"I gotta go," I give him a quick hug, "I'm sorry, but I'll tell you later." Then, I grabbed my bag and took off. I quickly ran home, changed, and zeta to the Mount Justice. Once I was there, I went to the medical room and rummaged through the blood supply, pulling out the nearly expired blood, and by nearly I meant a day from expiring.

I happily hummed to myself as I drank from the blood bag and walked down the hallway to the mission room. 'I should investigate that drug exchange that's gonna happen tonight.' I thought, walking up to the holographic computer and activating it. I started to pull up factory orders and shipments and such. 

'That's strange.' I thought when I saw excessive shipments of certain chemicals at STAR labs. 'Let's see what they're cooking up in there.' I compiled a list of the chemicals that were ordered in massive amounts. Then, I ran them through a simulator to see the possible products of mixing the chemicals together. "Green Arrow 0-8, Black Canary 1-3." I heard the female robotic voice announce as the zeta tube activated. 

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