Want (9)

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'One more week..' I thought, sighing out loud as I sat on my bed with my calendar in hand.

"Important date?" I smiled at the familiar voice.

"Just my 18th birthday..." I sighed, putting my calendar on my night stand.

"You don't sound to excited." He chuckled, walking over to me.

"I'm not." I admitted, running my fingers through my hair.

"Why? Thought everyone was happy about their birthday." He chuckled, sitting down next to me on my bed.

"I'm not like everyone." I muttered.

"Oh? How so?" He questioned, looking at me interestingly. 

"Listen... Don't tell Dick, but I'm not human... I want to tell him, I really do, but I'm afraid of how he will react... Please don't tell him I told you anything, he'll get mad." I sighed. 'Well, technically I'm telling Dick.' I thought, since Nightwing is Dick.

"You seem to trust me a lot if you're telling me this." Nightwing smirked.

"You remind me a lot of Dick... Sometimes I feel like you two are the same person." I smirked, watching as he panicked a bit.

"W-what makes you say that?" He stuttered.

"Oh, the way you two act is somewhat similar. Your physique is nearly identical, your hair, your voice is also close. Hmm... I don't know about the eyes though... If you had enchanting and sparkling blue eyes that are to die for, then you two would pretty much be identical." I smoothly said with a smirk on my face as I slowly eased my way onto him, making him lay on the bed with me hovering above.

"Take it off and see for yourself." He smirked.

I thought about doing it, I really did, but I wanted to keep playing this game a while longer. "Nah, some other time." I smiled, getting off of him. "Just... Don't come here next week, it's not safe to be around me the week after my birthday." I told him, brushing my bangs behind my ear.

"Why?" He questioned.

"It's just not, okay? Can we leave it at that?" I sighed, not wanting to talk about this any further.

"Alright, well, I gotta run. Duty calls. Maybe I'll catch ya later." Nightwing smiled before taking off. 'How am I gonna deal with Dick.' I thought, sighing out loud. 'I have to tell him the truth, I have to come clean...' I decided. 'I'll tell him tomorrow.' Then, I slept.

~Next day~

Well, I was planning on telling him at the manor, but I chickened out. Now, we're here in the mall, along with Artemis to pick out a dress for the dance. I really didn't want Dick to come because he was going to pay for my dress, but he refused my refusal. He said that it was my early birthday gift, the only reason why I let him come. 

"What you think of this one?" Artemis asked, pulling out a red dress. 

"Hm... Red isn't really your color," I said, going through some dresses and pulling a green one out for her, "Try this. I feel like green suits you so much better." 

"And what do you think you're doing missy?" Dick chuckled, grabbing the dress that I had picked out and putting it back on the rack. 

"I was gonna try that dress on." I said, reaching out for it, only to have him grab my wrist, stopping me.

"Nope, your dress is elsewhere." He smiled. 

"You're right, green suits me so much better." Artemis said when she came up to us. I look down to her hand to see a bag.

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