Sorry Not Sorry (15)

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I was beginning to worry when Nightwing didn't wake up. I mean, I didn't hit him that hard. Did I? Oh man, what if I gave him a concussion or knocked him into some coma. I nervously bit my thumb nail as Batman tended to him. "So why is he out cold?" Batman asked.

"Cognitive recalibration. I didn't hit him that hard did I?" I worried, going back to chewing my thumb nail. 

"He should be coming around soon, but stay away from him until I figure out what this new pollen is. We don't know if it's contagious or not, so keep a distance." He warned me before taking off to the lab. Sighing, I sat down in a chair next to Nightwing. I wanted to reach out and grab his hand and hold it, but I didn't want to risk anything passing onto me. 

"Is he gonna be okay?" I look over to see Megan and Conner walking in.

"Batman said he should, but he has some kind of unknown substance or toxin or something in him. Batman's analyzing it right now,  and he says that we shouldn't come in contact with him." I sighed.

"What happened out there?" Conner asked, looking at Nightwing then me.

"We were fighting Poison Ivy, she got a hold of him and put him under his influence, made him fight me, so I gave him a blow to the head to recalibrate his mind. Thus, knocking him out." I summed up the thing for him. "I feel so bad though. I really wished that I did a better job fighting with him, and watching over him. If I did then he wouldn't be like this." I bend over and stuff my face into my hands.

"You did what you had to do." Megan said in a soft voice, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I should have been more careful." I sighed.

"We all make mistakes, we just have to learn from them." Conner said.

"This one could have cost him his life." I grumbled, looking up at Nightwing who laid still on the bed. The only thing that was moving was his chest when he breathed in and out.

"Don't beat yourself up over it." Conner said.

"I know, but it's so hard because..." I debated whether I should tell them or not, and I decided not to, "Never mind."

"You want me to bring you some dinner?" Megan asked. I replied to her by weakly shaking my head. "Just don't stress yourself out to much, and get some rest." She told me before her and Conner left.

"Anything?" I asked Batman when I heard him come into the room. 

"It's not contagious by touch, but if he kisses you it can transfer to you." That is so weird coming from him. I don't know why, it just does. 

"How long until it's out of his system?" I asked, reaching over and grabbing Nightwing's hand and stroking the back of his hand with my thumb. 

"To be honest, I don't know. I'm going to have to do tests on him every day. I'm working on an antidote, but so far nothing." He sighed in his dull voice. Then, he handed me a cup with some weird looking liquid in it, "Have him drink that when he wakes up. It's for any of the remaining poison from the pollen that I'm familiar with." I took a sniff at the stuff in the cup. Bad idea. I pulled it away from my nose and gagged slightly. 

"Dude, is this sewer water or something? It smells like death." I gagged, pinching my nose shut with my other hand.

"It's medicine, it's not suppose to taste or smell delightful." He smirked as he checked Nightwing's vitals.

"At least make it decent." I said in a nasally voice. My attention went from the liquid of death to Nightwing when he started to groan. I smiled happily and some tears started to sting my eyes when I saw his eyes flutter open. "You're alright." I sighed in relief, engulfing him in a hug. 

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